Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Ethnic Media and Identity Construction: Content Analysis of the Visual Portrayals of Women in Latina and Glamour Magazines, Patricia Ricle Mayorga
Property without Government, Knox Ridley III
Empowering the Poor? Civic Education and Local Level Participation in Rural Tanzania and Zambia, Satu Riutta
Sexual Plasticity in a Marine Goby (Lythrypnus dalli): Social, Endocrine, and Genetic Influences on Functional Sex, Edmund William Rodgers
Evil and Englishness: Representations of Traumatic Violence and National Identity in the Works of the Inklings, 1937-1954, Theodore C. Rogers, Jr.
KIR Channels in CO2 Central Chemoreception: Analysis with a Functional Genomics Approach, Asheebo Rojas
Who, How, and What? Third-Party Intervention in Venezuela, Ines Nayhari Rojas
Exploring the Epistemological Views of Advanced Student Writers during the Research Paper Process, Judith Kay Romanchuk
Caring for Residents with Dementia in Assisted Living Facilities: The Experiences of the Care Staff, April Dawn Ross
Cultural Leadership and Peace: An Educational Response to Religious Violence, B. David Rowe
Is Smart Growth Fair Growth: Do Urban Growth Boundaries Keep out Racial Minorities?, Elizabeth P. Ruddiman
They Know "What Work Is": Working Class Individuals in the Poetry of Philip Levine, Jeffrey Edmond Rumiano
Reality & Effect: A Cultural History of Visual Effects, Jae Hyung Ryu
Father Knows Best: A Critique of Joel Feinberg's Soft Paternalism, James Cullen Sacha
Does a Participatory Sharing and Learning Approach Make an Effective HIV Provider Training Program?, Daniela Salas
Moral Imagination in Theory and Practice, Peter Leland Samuelson
Student Government Presidents' Perceptions of their Role in Institutional Decision-Making at a Two-Year Public College, Michael Lenard Sanseviro
Essays in Labor Economics: Alcohol Consumption and Socioeconomic Outcomes, Eric Mensah Sarpong
A Deliberate Reconstruction and Reconfiguring of Women in History: One Teacher's Attempt at Transforming a U.S. History Curriculum, Cynthia Marie Schafer
Red Scare Propaganda in the United States: A Visual and Rhetorical Analysis, Christy Schroeder
Essays on Tax Evasion, Edward Batte Sennoga
The Role of Gender Equality and Economic Development in Explaining Female Smoking Rates, Samina Shariff
Re-Mediating the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Use of Films to Facilitate Dialogue, Elana Shefrin
A Domain-Specific Conceptual Query System, Xiuyun Shen
The Effects of Merger and Acquisition on the Price of Insurance and Firm Performance in the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry, Jeung Bo Shim
An Examination of Unintended Consequences of Intergovernmental Equalization Programs, Dmitry V. Shishkin
Naturalism and Moral Realism, James Sias
“It’s Not Just What You Have, But How You Use It:” The Impact of Race and Class on the Usage and Activation of Cultural and Social capital in the Study Abroad process, Jennifer Renee Simon
Gender Bias in Observer Ratings of Pediatric Procedural Pain, Jeff Sims
To Hold as T'were the Mirror Up to Hate: Terrence McNally's Response to the Christian Right in Corpus Christi, Richard Kimberly Sisson
Preservice Science Teachers' Experiences with Repeated, Guided Inquiry, Amy B. Slack
Does Patient-Centered Care affect Racial Disparities in Health?, Catherine Putnam Slade
The Exponential Function of Matrices, Nathalie Nicholle Smalls
Parental Stress and its Relation to Parental Perceptions of Communication Following Language Intervention, Ashlyn L. Smith
When It Hits the Fan: A Public Relations' Practitioners' Guide to Crisis Communication, Joshua Lee Smith
Medias Res, Temporal Double-Consciousness and Resistance in Octavia Butler's Kindred, Roslyn Nicole Smith
Obesity and the Built Environment in Twenty-Six Rural Georgia Counties: An Analysis of Physical Activity, Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, and Environmental Factors., Kathleen Elizabeth Sobush
A Contextualized Web-Based Learning Environments for DEVS Models, Inthira Srivrunyoo
Bolt Fast or Weather, McCormick Stephan
Spanish Orientalism: Washington Irving and the Romance of the Moors, Michael S. Stevens
Traveling through Space: Stylistic Progression and Camera Movement, Laszlo Strausz
White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood, John P. Subasavage, Jr.
Improving Feature Selection Techniques for Machine Learning, Feng Tan
Job Satisfaction among Case Managers for Community-dwelling Older Adults, Ying Tang
Low Brows and High Profiles: Rhetoric and Gender in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century Theater, Elizabeth Anne Tasker
A Methodology for Domain-Specific Conceptual Data Modeling and Querying, Hao Tian
Death in Sacred Harp, Jessica Tilley
Masks and Sartre's Imaginary: Masked Performance and the Imaging Consciousness, William Keith Tims
Wired Valentines and Webs of Love: An Examination of People’s Attitudes and their Intentions to Use the Net to Form Romantic Relationships, Raiza A. Toohey
Exploring Social Issues and Value Systems in Contemporary Art Education, Charlotte Turner
Souvenirs Du Temps : Le Jeu Du Pseudo-Récit Dans Souvenirs Du Triangle D'or, Lauren Eileen Upadhyay
Impact of an Electronic Medical Record Implementation on Drug Allergy Overrides in a Large Southeastern HMO Setting, Renny Varghese
Predictors of Treatment Adherence in Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Role of Age, Body Satisfaction and Prospective Memory in Medication and Diet Behavior., Christina Helen Vlahou
An Energy-Efficient Distributed Algorithm for k-Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks, Chinh Trung Vu
Comparing the Characteristics of Adolescent Smoking in Politically Stable and Unstable Countries, Malikah Shahidah Waajid
Obesity and Physical Fitness in the Labor Market, Roy Wada
Pre-Service Art Teachers and the Use of Feminist Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Art Classroom, Sahirah Fatin Wade Bussey
An Erratic Performance: Constructing Racial Identity and James Baldwin, Natasha N. Walker
Study of Factors of Affecting Recurrence of Myoma after Myomectomy, Lu Wang
Protein Structure Data Management System, Yanchao Wang
Mechanisms for Cadmium Lumen-to-Cell Transport by the Luminal Membrane of the Rabbit Proximal Tubule, Yanhua Wang
The Effect of Electoral Security on Partisan Support, Brian Michael Webb
Electrical and Optical Characterization of Group III-V Heterostructures with Emphasis on Terahertz Devices, Aruna Bandara Weerasekara
The Therapist's Experience of Feeling in Too Deep with a Client: A Phenomenological Exploration, Deborah Lynn Weisshaar
An Optimal Solution on Screening and Treatment of Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, Xin Wei
Future Orientation, Chronological Age and Product Attributes Preference, Yujie Wei
Neuronal Growth Cone Dynamics are Regulated by a Nitric Oxide-Initiated Second Messenger Pathway., Kristy Welshhans
A Mathematics Acceleration Experience for Mathematically Promising Students, Dorothy Jeanette Whitlow-Malin
Energy Deposition Study of Low-Energy Cosmic Radiation at Sea Level, Pushpa Indumathie Wijesinghe
Neuroimmunoendocrine Pathology and Cognitive Function in Type 2 Diabetes, Krista Wild
Why Try? Achievement Motivation and Perceived Academic Climate among Latino Youth, Natalie Jayne Wilkins
The Development and Consolidation of Atlanta?s Street Railways, 1866-1891, David Langlois Williams
Beliefs about Technology Integration Support Factors Held by School Leadership and School Faculty: A Mixed Methods Study, Katherine Williams
Maternal Perceptions and Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Elizabeth Upchurch Willingham
African American Baptist Church Community: Influence of SocioCultural Factors on Faith Development, Lynyetta Gittens Willis
Motor Control and Reading Fluency: Contributions beyond Phonological Awareness and Rapid Automatized Naming in Children with Reading Disabilities., Christopher Blake Wolfe
Finite Bargaining Problems, Hanji Wu
After My Third Tattoo, Elizabeth A. Wurz
Evaluating Variance of the Model Credibility Index, Yan Xiao
Electrokinetic Modeling of Free Solution Electrophoresis, Yao Xin
In Search of Martha Root: An American Baha'i Feminist and Peace Advocate in the Early Twentieth Century, Jiling Yang
Functional Characterization of the Arginine Transaminase Pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, Zhe Yang
Fiscal Decentralization and Poverty Reduction Outcomes: Theory and Evidence, Guevera Assamoi Yao
Fiscal Decentralization and Public Sector Employment: A Cross-Country Analysis, Ming-Hung Yao
The Utilization of the Q-Sort Methodology to Develop a Measure of Women's Response to Intimate Partner Violence, Tiffany Lenell Young
Empirical Likelihood-Based NonParametric Inference for the Difference between Two Partial AUCS, Yan Yuan
Financial Integration and Scope Efficiency: Post Gramm-Leach-Bliley, Yuan Yuan
School Quality, House Prices, and Liquidity: The Effects of Public School Reform in Baton Rouge, Velma Zahirovic-Herbert
Timing Variables in Reading and Language: The Relation of Naming Speed and Motor Speed to Auditory Temporal Processing, Cynthia M. Zettler
Genotype/Haplotype Tagging Methods and their Validation, Jun Zhang