Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Loose Canon on Deck: How Contemporary Christians React to Media Portrayals of Faith, Beliefs, and Rituals, Mitchell L. Leopard
SiaA: A Heme Protein, Marianna Libkind
Confluence, Jessica E. Lindberg
Selecting the Working Correlation Structure by a New Generalized AIC Index for Longitudinal Data, Wei-Lun Lin
Platform Independent Real-Time X3D Shaders and their Applications in Bioinformatics Visualization, Feng Liu
Kinetic and Crystallographic Studies of Drug-Resistant Mutants of HIV-1 Protease: Insights into the Drug Resistance Mechanisms, Fengling Liu
Structural, Kinetic and Mutational Analysis of Two Bacterial Carboxylesterases, Ping Liu
Contour Based 3D Biological Image Reconstruction and Partial Retrieval, Yong Li
Factors Contributing to Job Retention of Direct Care Staff in Urban Assisted Living Facilities, Zhiqing Li
Model Uncertainty and Mutual Fund Investing, Yee Cheng Loon
La Poesía Tanguera de Eladia Blázquez: De la Melancolía Tradicional a la Vanguardia Renovadora, María Marta López
Labors of Authenticity: The Function of Spirituality and the Construction of Selfhood in the American Business, James Dennis LoRusso
Empire of the Hajj: Pilgrims, Plagues, and Pan-Islam under British Surveillance,1865-1926, Michael Christopher Low
Salesperson Behavioral Determinants of Customer Equity Drivers: Mediational Role of Trust, Ramana K. Madupalli
A Mechanism of Co-Existence of Bursting and Silent Regimes of Activities of a Neuron, Tatiana Igorevna Malashchenko
"Pro-Ana" Web-Log Uses and Gratifications towards Understanding the Pro-Anorexia Paradox, Dana G. Mantella
Days of the Endless Corvette, Emanuel Henry Martin
Copycat Theory: Testing for Fiscal Policies Harmonization in the Southern African Coordinating Community (SADC) and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Christine Ega Mbakile-Moloi
Six Middle School Language Arts Teachers' Beliefs about Grammar and their Teaching of Grammar while Participating in a Professional Learning Community, Ellah Sue McClure
Nonverbal Evidence of Displaced Intergroup Affect, Patricia A. McCord
A Conductor's Analysis of Gabriel Faure's Requiem, Op. 48, Ryan Parker McKendrick
Sound of Terror: Hearing Ghosts in Victorian Fiction, Melissa Kendall Mcleod
Gate Control Theory and its Application in a Physical Intervention to Reduce Children's Pain during Immunization Injections, Jean Eleanor Mennuti-Washburn
Polynomial Functions over Rings of Residue Classes of Integers, M Brandon Meredith
Under Pressure from the Empirical Data: Does Externalism Rest on a Mistaken Psychological Theory?, Bryan Temples Miller
The King of Babylon and Other Stories, Samuel Miller
Kinematic and Tectonic Significance of the Fold- and Fault- Related Fracture Systems in the Zagros Mountains, Southern Iran, Katayoun Mobasher
Immigrant and Minority Student Visual Narratives of High School Dropout in Atlanta, Anahita Modaresi
Informative SNP Selection and Validation, Diana Mohan Babu
Explaining the Ineffectiveness of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: The Leadership of the Hegemon, Betsy Lynn Montgomery
Patronizing Speech in Interability Communication toward People with Cognitive Disabilities, Vann Morris
The Divene Devotee Hierarchy in the Theology of Râmnuja: Where the Master Becomes the Servant, Sherry L. Morton
Carlo Michelstaedter: Persuasion and Rhetoric, Massimiliano Moschetta
Strangers in their Own Land: A Cultural History of Japanese American Internment Camps in Arkansas 1942-1945, Dori Felice Moss
Online Product Information Load: Impact on Maximizers and Satisficers within a Choice Context, Jill Renee Mosteller
Serotonergic Modulation of the Crayfish Hindgut: Effects on Hindgut Contractility and Regulation of Serotonin on Hindgut, Barbara Ellen Musolf
Menopause Transition and Labor Market Outcomes, Mercy Mvundura
Structure and Function of Escherichia Coli Seca: An Essential Component of the Sec Translocase, Bing Na
Nietzsche on Naturalism, Egoism and Altruism, Derrick Phillip Nantz
Improving Practices in a Small Software Firm: An Ambidextrous Perspective, Nannette Napier
Comparative Baseflow Hydrochemistry of Various Septic System Density Groups within the Yellow River Watershed, Gwinnett County, Georgia, Robert Carl Neurath
Developmental Trends in Social Cognition for Children with and without Disabilities, Irene Ngai
Omnibus Tests for Comparison of Competing Risks with Covariate Effects via Additive Risk Model, Duytrac Vu Nguyen
Media Framing of Female Athletes and Women's Sports in Selected Sports Magazines, Stacey Nicely
Foreign Language Learning in Santo Domingo: Qualitative Case Studies in Two Private Schools, Priscilla Garrido Noble
Adolescent Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs toward Vaccination, Richard Brendan Noggle
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: An Analysis of a Potential Meme, Jo Howarth Noonan
Capillary Electrochromatography-Mass Spectrometry (CEC-MS) of Surfactants, Dean Stephen Norton
Speaking while Black: The Relationship between African Americans' Racial Identity, Fear of Confirming Stereotypes, and Public Speaking Anxiety, Mayowa Obasaju
Black Press Coverage of the Emmett Till Lynching as a Catalyst to the Civil Rights Movement, Michael Randolph Oby
Student Achievement in Science and Mathematics in Urban Professional Develpment Schools during First Year of Implementation, Susan L. Ogletree
The Expression of p68 Protein in the Australian Zebra Finch Brain Across Development, Chukwuemeka Franklin Okeke
The Prevalence of Nelson Bay Virus in Humans and Bats and its Significance within the Framework of Conservation Medicine, Jennifer Betts Oliver
New Multiwavelength Variability and Optical Microvariability Investigations of X-ray and Radio Selected Blazars, Margaret Angela Osterman
Africans, Cherokees, and the ABCFM Missionaries in the Nineteenth Century: An Unusual Story of Redemption, Gnimbin Albert Ouattara
Mary of Magdala: The Evolution of an Image, Rachel D. Owen
Differential Effects of Estrogen Receptor alpha Suppression by Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotides in the Medial Preoptic Area and the Medial Amygdala on Male Rat Mating Behavior, Jacquelyn Carrie Paisley
The Psychosocial Adjustment of Black South African Children of HIV-Infected Mothers, Frances L. Palin
Formal Object Interaction Language: Modeling and Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Object-Oriented Software, Jason Andrew Pamplin
Cognitive Predictors of Adaptive Functioning in Children with Tumors of the Cerebellar and Third Ventricle Regions, Aimilia Papazoglou
Bad News Reporting on Troubled IT Projects: The Role of Personal, Situational, and Organizational Factors, Chongwoo Park
A Study to Develop Strategies for Proactive Water-Loss Management, Hyun Jung Park
The Impact of the “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Public Health Awareness Campaign on Early Intervention Behavior, Kinjal Prabodh Patel
Comparison of Antibiotic Sensitivity Profiles, Molecular Typing Patterns, and Attribution of Salmonella Enterica Serotype Newport in the U.S., 2003-2006, Nehal Jitendralal Patel
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: The African American Megachurch and Prosperity Theology, Charmayne E. Patterson
Effects of Transitional Policies on Labor Market Outcomes Fifteen Years After Transition: The Case of Ukraine and Lithuania, Olga Pavlova
The Effects of EU Information on Support for Euroskeptic Radical Right Parties in Europe, Vanja Petricevic
From Superman to Superbland: The Man of Steel's Popular Decline among Postmodern Youth, Timothy Aaron Pevey
Constructing Definitions of Sexual Orientation in Research and Theory, Daleana Phillips
Identity Development as the Parent of a Lesbian or Gay Male, Mary Jane Phillips
Science Olympiad Students' Nature of Science Understandings, Cindy Johnson Philpot
An Automated XML-Based Webform Management System, Piyaphol Phoungphol
Public and Private Voices: The Typhoid Fever Experience at Camp Thomas, 1898., Gerald Joseph Pierce
Winning, Losing, and Changing the Rules: The Rhetoric of Poetry Contests and Competition, Marc Pietrzykowski
Structure and Process of Channel Program Selections: Retailers Choice among Parity Trade Promotions, Amit Poddar
Revictimization: Advancing Theory and Method, Chantal Poister Tusher
Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Fracture Patterns in the Makran Accretionary Prism, Southeast Iran, Shankar Babu Pokharel
Essays on the Political Economy of Taxation, Raul A. Ponce Rodriguez
Against the Odds: Resiliency and the Fostering of Future Academic Success among At-Risk Children in Georgia, Bentley D. Ponder
The Association of Subscapular and Triceps Skin-Fold Thickness with the Risk of Diabetes in African American, Hispanic, and Caucasian Adults, Jake Johnson Porter III
Satirical Inquiry, Gina Henderson Prescott
Rethinking Consistency Management in Real-time Collaborative Editing Systems, Jon Anderson Preston
Taxon, Site and Temporal Differentiation Using Dental Microwear in the Southern African Papionins, Darby Proctor
Standup Comedy as Artistic Expression: Lenny Bruce, the 1950s, and American Humor, Andrea Shannon Prussing-Hollowell
Adding Life to Years: Predicting Subjective Quality of Life among Chinese Oldest-Old, Huali Qin
Identifying Factors that Influence Academic Performance among Adolescents with Conduct Disorder, Lisa May Quick
Functional Analyses of West Nile Virus (WNV) Bicistronic Replicons Containing Different Sequence Elements and of Simian Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (SHFV) Polyprotein Processing, Gertrud Ulrike Radu
Media Messages and Womens' Body Perceptions in Egypt, Shaima Ragab
Legislating after Terrorism: September 11, the News Media and the Georgia Legislature, Rachel Tobin Ramos
Individual-Technology Fit: Matching Individual Characteristics and Features of Biometric Interface Technologies with Performance, Adriane Randolph
The Emerging Medicalization of Postpartum Depression: Tightening the Boundaries of Motherhood, Pam Regus
The Gospel According to Thomas: Authoritative or Heretical?, Richard Elmer Remson III
SVD and PCA in Image Processing, Wasuta -. Renkjumnong
Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using Support Vector Machines, Nueral Networks and Genetic Algorithms, Anjum B. Reyaz-Ahmed
Eating, Body Satisfaction, Ethnicity, and Women's Relationship with God, Sharrunn Nicole Rhone
An Analysis of the MOS under Conditions of Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss and an Analysis of the Impact of Introducing Piggybacking and Reed Solomon FEC for VOIP, Alexander F. Ribadeneira