Theses/Dissertations from 2007
After My Third Tattoo, Elizabeth A. Wurz
Evaluating Variance of the Model Credibility Index, Yan Xiao
Electrokinetic Modeling of Free Solution Electrophoresis, Yao Xin
In Search of Martha Root: An American Baha'i Feminist and Peace Advocate in the Early Twentieth Century, Jiling Yang
Functional Characterization of the Arginine Transaminase Pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, Zhe Yang
Fiscal Decentralization and Poverty Reduction Outcomes: Theory and Evidence, Guevera Assamoi Yao
Fiscal Decentralization and Public Sector Employment: A Cross-Country Analysis, Ming-Hung Yao
The Utilization of the Q-Sort Methodology to Develop a Measure of Women's Response to Intimate Partner Violence, Tiffany Lenell Young
Empirical Likelihood-Based NonParametric Inference for the Difference between Two Partial AUCS, Yan Yuan
Financial Integration and Scope Efficiency: Post Gramm-Leach-Bliley, Yuan Yuan
School Quality, House Prices, and Liquidity: The Effects of Public School Reform in Baton Rouge, Velma Zahirovic-Herbert
Timing Variables in Reading and Language: The Relation of Naming Speed and Motor Speed to Auditory Temporal Processing, Cynthia M. Zettler
Genotype/Haplotype Tagging Methods and their Validation, Jun Zhang
Exploring the Role of Calcium Ions in Biological Systems by Computational Prediction and Protein Engineering, Yubin Zhou
B Virus Uses a Different Mechanism to Counteract the PKR Response, Li Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Japanese Fathers in the United States: Negotiating Different Cultural Expectations, Yuka Abe
Operational Risk Capital Provisions for Banks and Insurance Companies, Edoh Fofo Afambo
Computer Mediated Communication: Interaction and Interactivity, Mark Agle
A Study of the Quality of Service in Group Oriented Mobile Transactions, Punit Ahluwalia
Decision Fusion for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction, Somasheker Akkaladevi
March's Gendered Madness: An Analysis of Print Media Representations of a Female Division I NCAA Women's Basketball Coach - Pat Summitt, Cindy Marie Allen
Reclaiming the Human Self: Redemptive Suffering and Spiritual Service in the Works of James Baldwin, Francine LaRue Allen
For Union and Slavery, For Slavery and Union: Know-Nothings in Georgia 1854-1860, Leslye Allen
Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Filial Responsibility in Latino Youth: Variations by Birth Order, Gender, and Immigration Age, Anabel Alvarez
The Anglo-Saxon Peace Weaving Warrior, Anthea Rebecca Andrade
Temperament, Joint Engagement, and Language Skills in Toddlers, Nicolle Angeli
Agency and Transnationalism: Social Organization among African Immigrants in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, Felicia Chigozie Anonyuo
A Framework for Dynamic Terrain with Application in Off-road Ground Vehicle Simulations, Anthony Scott Aquilio
Adult Reflections on a High School Choral Music Program: Perceptions of Meaning and Lifelong Influence, Melissa Tyson Arasi
The Impact of Self-esteem, Media Internalization, Sexual Orientation, and Ethnicity on Drive for Muscularity in Men Who Work Out in Gyms, Jill Barker Baird
Black Employment Opportunities: The Role of Immigrant Job Concentrations, Jim Baird
Russian Art Education: A Study on Post-Soviet Perspectives, Rosaria E. Bang
Risk and the School-to-Work Transition in East Germany and the United States., Antje Barabasch
Modeling the Power Evolution of Classical Double Radio Galaxies over Cosmological Scales, Paramita Barai
Exploring Identity through Self-Portraiture, Rose M. Barron
Home Environment and Creative and Artistic Activity, William Alan Barsh
Cuban Refugees in Atlanta: 1950-1980, Charlotte A. Bayala
Theory in Culture: Toward a Psychoanalytic Criticism of Advertising, Robin L. Bellinson
Rolling Manhood: How Black and White Men Experience Disability, Alexis A. Bender
"I Know What You Are Going Through": The Impact of Negotiating the Criminal Justice System on the Well Being of Family Members of Homicide Victims and Criminal Offenders., Cara-Vanessa Hadassah Bertollini
The Application of Weak-Anion Exchange Chromatography for the Analysis of Organic Zwitterions Using LC/MS/MS, Michael Jason Bishop
Conflict and Coercion in Southern France, Judith Jane Blair
Benefits or Harms of No Child Left Behind, Judy Block
"Mother May I? Food, Power and Control in Mothers and Daughters", Lisa Joy Borello
iC2mpi: A Platform for Parallel Execution of Graph-Structured Iterative Computations, Harnish Botadra
Implications of Late Pleistocene Climatic Change on the Morphological Variations of the Neanderthal, Dawn Marie Bradley
Jazz Babies, a Femme Fatale, and a Joad: Women and the Automobile in the American Modernist Era, Jessica Bremmer
The Effect of Linkages on Science and Technology at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Kathryn T. Brice
"I Am An Island To Myself": How One Veteran English Teacher's Beliefs, Experiences, and Philosophy Translate into Classroom Practice, Tara Jenkins Bruhn
The Effects of Direct and Indirect Experiences with School Crime and Violence on High School Teacher Burnout, Chad Anthony Buck
Religion and Party Realignment: Are Catholics Realigning into the Republican Party?, Patrick Lee Burns
Framing Hillary Clinton: A Content Analysis of the New York Times News Coverage of the 2000 New York Senate Election, Amy Beth Busher
Bonjour's Positions on Empirical Knowledge: From Coherentism to Foundationalism, Soo Young Byun
High Tension without War: Interpreting Taiwan Strait Relations from 1990 to 2005, Yang Cai
Pro-Poor Growth in Mozambique: An Exploration of its Income and Non-Income Dimensions, Jason S. Calder
Deposit Insurance: Is it Good for the Development of Financial Markets?, Kaysia Therese Campbell
Context Effects on Abortion Questions: Who is Inconsistent, Carolyn S. Carlson
Paleoecological Reconstructions of the South African Plio-Pleistocene Based on Low-Magnification Dental Microwear of Fossil Primates., Brian D. Carter
Goddess Dethroned: The Evolution of Morgan le Fay, Dax Donald Carver
To Pick Up Again the Cross of Missionary Work: The Life of W. J. Northen, 1835-1913, Casey P. Cater
How Do Firms Use Discretion in Deferred Revenue?, Marcus Lamar Caylor
Two Laureates and a Whore Debate Decorum and Delight: Dryden, Shadwell, and Behn in a Decade of Comedy A-la-Mode, Patricia Ann Chapman
Integration of Instructional Technology by University Lecturers in Secondary School Teacher Education Programs in Zimbabwe: An Exploratory Study, Rodwell Chitiyo
Two Essays on Investor Sentiment and Equity Offerings, Hsin-Hui Chiu
Septal Infusions of the H-Channel Blocker ZD7288 Impair Spontaneous Alternation but not Inhibitory Avoidance, Ramata Sissoko Cisse
Finding Love among Extreme Opposition in Toni Morrison's Jazz and Eudora Welty's The Optimist's Daughter, John David Clark
The Relative Importance of Input Encoding and Learning Methodology on Protein Secondary Structure Prediction, Arnshea Clayton
The Relationship between R&D Investment and Dividend Payment Tax Incentives and Their Role in the Dividend Tax Puzzle, Mary Catherine Cleaveland
Ways to Skin the Zombie Cat: A Look at the Problems Associated with Chalmers's Zombie-Argument, Walter Scott Clifton
Foraging Responses to Nutritional Pressures in Two Species of Cercopithecines: Macaca mulatta and Papio ursinus, Gretchen A. Clymer
On the Stephen Macedo and John Finnis Exchange: Natural Law, Liberalism, and Homosexuality: A Critical Assessment, Brian B. Coleman
Wittgenstein and Religion, Daniel Patrick Corrigan
Forced Feminism: Women, Hijab, and the One-Party State in Post-Colonial Tunisia, Jennifer Cotton
The Impossibility of Evil Qua Evil: Kantian Limitations on Human Immorality, Timothy Alan Crews-Anderson
Epoxidation of Alkenes by Dimethyldioxirane: Kinetics, Activation Parameters and Solvent Studies, Brian Shelton Crow
The Use of Item Response Theory to Assess Adults' Postdiction Accuracy, Andrea Mueller Cummings
The Influence of Parent-Child Relatedness and Social Support on Depressive Symptoms in Asthmatic Children: Tests of Moderation, Lawanda Cummings
Museums in the Age of Neoliberalism: A Multi-Sited Analysis of Science and Health Museums., Taren Laine Dailey
Predicting Support for Government Action to Reduce Inequality, Adam James Darnell
Investigating the Utility of the Film War Zone as a Component of a Street Harassment Prevention Program, Doyanne A. Darnell
Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Regions in the Seyfert Galaxies NGC 4151 and NGC 1068, Varendra Das
Salvaging Children's Lives: Understanding the Experiences of Black Aunts Who Serve as Kinship Care Providers within Black Families, Regina Louise Davis-Sowers
Liberalism and the Worst-Result Principle: Preventing Tyranny, Protecting Civil Liberty, Candice Delmas
Rossian Moral Pluralism: A (Partial) Defense, Angela J. Desaulniers
The Wisconsin Hmong Resettlement Taskforce: An Ethnographic Analysis of Public Policy as a Cultural Process and Product, Karen Fink DeVivo
The Unconventional Photographic Self-Portraits of John Coplans, Carla Williams, and Laura Aguilar, Alice Di Certo
The Effect of Aggressive Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics on Women's Perpetration of Aggression, Tracy Dickens
A Defense of Soft Positivism: Justice and Principle Processes, Keith William Diener
A Comparison of Change Detection Methods in an Urban Environment Using LANDSAT TM and ETM+ Satellite Imagery: A Multi-Temporal, Multi-Spectral Analysis of Gwinnett County, GA 1991-2000, Paul Alrik DiGirolamo
Exploring the Efficacy of Pre-Equating a Large Scale Criterion-Referenced Assessment with Respect to Measurement Equivalence, Christopher Stephen Domaleski
Perceived Organizational Support: Self-Interested or Other-Interested?, Debra Dookeran
Wharves to Waterfalls: A Geographical Analysis of the Massachusetts Political Economy: 1763 - 1825., David Joseph Doran
Kaethe Kollwitz: Women's Art, Working-Class Agitation, and Maternal Feminism in the Weimar Republic, Jamie Dortch
The Television Portrayals of African Americans and Racial Attitudes, Joni G V Dubriel