Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Functional Role of Dead-Box P68 RNA Helicase in Gene Expression, Chunru Lin
HIV and Psychological Functioning among Black South African Women: An Examination of Psychosocial Moderating Variables, Gretchen K. Lindner
Janine Antoni: Finding a Room of Her Own, Stacie M. Lindner
Mortality Risk Management, Yijia Lin
Structure Learning of a Behavior Network for Context Dependent Adaptability, Ou Li
Building Inequality: A Case Study of White, Black, and Latino Contractors in the Atlanta Construction Industry, Cameron D. Lippard
Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Staff in Assisted Living, Guangya Liu
Topology Control, Routing Protocols and Performance Evaluation for Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Hui Liu
Uncovering the Range of Intentions and Interpretations Associated with N-Word Usage in American Film, Nneka Logan
Development of a Studio Art Curriculum for the Concentration Section of the Advanced Placement Drawing Portfolio, Bonnie R. Lovell
Comparison of Methods Used for Aligning Protein Sequences, Sangeetha Madangopal
The Impact of Depressive Personality Disorder on Treatment Outcome for Chronic Depression, Rachel Elizabeth Maddux
An Agent Based Transaction Manager for Multidatabase Systems, Sugandhi Madiraju
Influenza Prevalence in the US Associated with Climatic Factors, Analyzed at Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales., Arie Ponce Manangan
Prediction of Genetic Susceptibility to Complex Diseases, Weidong Mao
The X-ray Variability of Seyfert Galaxies, Kevin Marshall
Types of Causes in Aristotle and Sankara, Brandie Martinez-Bedard
On Some Aspects of the Differential Operator, Panakkal Jesu Mathew
The Effect of Proximity to Commercial Uses on Residential Prices, John William Matthews
Neurolipofuscin is a Measure of Age in the Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus, in Florida, Kerry Elizabeth Maxwell
A Study of the Mean Residual Life Function and Its Applications, Omar B. Mbowe
Alice Hamilton: The Making of a Feminist-Pragmatist Rhetor, Vicki J. McCoy
Imaging and the National Imagining: Theorizing Visual Sovereignty in Trinidad and Tobago Moving Image Media through Analysis of Television Advertising, Susan Lillian McFarlane-Alvarez
Grid-Enabled Automatic Web Page Classification, Seema Sreenivasamurthy Metikurke
Shape-Dependent Molecular Recognition of Specific Sequences of DNA by Heterocyclic Cations, Yi Miao
Verbal Learning and Memory Abilities in Children with Brain Tumors: The Role of the Third Ventricle Region, Jackie L. Micklewright
Estimation of Stock Price Distress Costs Associated with Downgrades using Regime-Switching Models, Andreas Milidonis
The Discourse of Planned Parenthood of the Atlanta Area: 1964 – 1972, Melissa N. Miller
Ethnic Conflict, Electoral Systems, and Power Sharing in Divided Societies, Sara Ann Miller
"Lines Written in my Closet": Volume One of Judith Sargent Murray's Poetry Manuscripts, Tammy Mills
Empowering Senior Females by Utilizing Each Female Person's Voice to Create Desired Lifestyle Options, Icydor Aldale Mohabier
The Role of the sia and siu ABC-Type Transporters in Iron Utilization and Virulence in Streptococcus pyogenes, Griselle Enid Montanez
Christian Missions and Islam: The Reformed Church in America and the Origins of the Moslem World, Christopher Cleveland Montrose
Why Do Borrowers Choose Arms Over FRMS? : A Behavioral Investigation in the U.S. and Japan, Masaki Mori
Analysis of Resource-Sharing Decisions in Dyadic Collaborative Knowledge Creation: A Game-Theoretic Approach, Savitha Namuduri
An Enhanced Algorithm to Find Dominating Set Nodes in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Naresh Nanuvala
Implementation of Vertical Handoff Algorithm between IEEE802.11 WLAN and CDMA Cellular Network, Mary Narisetti
Render unto Caesar: Sovereignty, the Obligations of Citizenship, and the Diplomatic History of the American Civil War, Samuel David Negus
Homologous Neurons and their Locomotor Functions in Nudibranch Molluscs, James M. Newcomb
Comparison and Model Selection for Larynx Cancer Data, James Tat Nguyen
Y'all Go Out and Make Us Proud: The Commencement Address and the Southern Writer, Dana J. Nichols
Religious Coping among Sexually Abused Adolescent Girls: A Phenomenological Investigation., Ndiya Nkongho
The Role of Ecological Interactions in Polymicrobial Biofilms and their Contribution to Multiple Antibiotic Resistance, Heather Adele O'Connell
A Prototype Visible to Near-Infrared Spectrograph for the CHARA Array, a Long-Baseline Stellar Interferometer, Chad Elliott Ogden
Judicial Quality and the Supreme Court Nominating Process, Andrew O'Geen
The Timing and Causes of Illite Formation in the Cretaceous Marias River Shale, Disturbed Belt, Montana, Stephen Gerard Osborn
Kripke, Chalmers and the Immediate Phenomenal Quality of Pain, Jessica Rae Owensby-Sandifer
Flows, Performance, and Tournament Behavior, Marco Pagani
Cesarean Section Disparities: Assessing The Likelihood of Undergoing Surgery in Childbirth, Louise Claire Palmer
A Domain Based Approach to Crawl the Hidden Web, Milan Pandya
A World of Our Own: William Blake and Abolition, Lisa Karee Parker
Marriage as Unconstitutional: How Not Allowing Homosexual Marriage Violates the First Amendment, Brian M. Payne
Making Education Work: The Effects of Welfare Reform on the Educational Goals and Experiences of TANF Participants, A. Fiona Pearson
Andalusia, Julia Clare Peteet
A Process to Reuse Experiences via Narratives Among Software Project Managers, Stacie Clark Petter
Characterizations in Domination Theory, Andrew Robert Plummer
The Political Use of "Family Values" Rhetoric, Elizabeth Caroline Powell
The Relation of Presence and Virtual Reality Exposure for Treatment of Flying Phobia, Matthew Price
Stand By Your Man, Redneck Woman: Towards a Historical View of Country Music Gender Roles, Cenate Pruitt
Spirituality: A Womanist Reading of Amy Tan's "The Bonesetter's Daughter", Xiumei Pu
Evaluation of Hedge Funds Performance, Jing Qian
Statistical Genetic Interval-Valued Type-2 Fuzzy System and its Application, Yu Qiu
The Effect of Adolescent Physical and Sexual Dating Violence on the Nutritional and Psychological Health of Adolescent Girls, Jerris Laverne Raiford
Tonight is the Night I Come Unglued, Laurah Norton Raines
Communicating Cosmopolitanism:An Analysis of the Rhetoric of Jimmy Carter, Vaclav Havel, and Edward Said, Rasha I. Ramzy
Phoneme Recognition Using Wavelet Packets, Vidya Rangaswamy
Nietzsche on the Future and Value, John Ranta
Managerial Incentives and Takeover Wealth Gains, Ebru Reis
Global Corporate Tax Competition for Export Oriented Foreign Direct Investment, Jose Rene Rendon-Garza
Sugar Skulls, James Richards
World War II: Moments in our Family, Yvonne Richter
Threshold Extension of Gallium Arsenide/Aluminum Gallium Arsenide Terahertz Detectors and Switching in Heterostructures, Mohamed Buhary Rinzan
Design of Novel Molecular Micelles for Capillary Electrophoresis, Syed Asad Ali Rizvi
The Past in the Present: Archaeology and Identity in a Historic African American Church, John Roby
Making the Grade: Academic Achievement among Latino Adolescents, Cathy Roche
Changepoint Analysis of HIV Marker Responses, Joy Michelle Rogers
Immunoglobulins and Immunoglobulin Fc Receptors in Nonhuman Primates Commonly Used in Biomedical Research, Kenneth Alton Rogers
The Polish Army in France: Immigrants in America, World War I Volunteers in France, Defenders of the Recreated State in Poland, David Thomas Ruskoski
Maternal Confidence of First-time Mothers during their Child's Infancy, Kendra Russell
Thinking, Feeling and Discriminating: The Role of Prejudice as a Mediator between Stereotypes and Discrimination, John Patrick Ryan
The South Korean Mediascape: State, Civil Society and the Implications of Regional Political Economy for Cultural Transformation, Woongjae Ryoo
The Cauldron of Enmities: The Friends of Ireland and the Conflict between Liberalism and Democracy in the Early Nineteenth Century Atlantic World, Steven Michael Sams
Analyzing the Effects of Adolescent Risky Behaviors on Suicidal Ideation, Marchelle Elizabeth Sanchez
Protestant Christian Missions, Race and Empire: The World Missionary Conference of 1910, Edinburgh, Scotland, Kim Caroline Sanecki
Perception of Emotion from Facial Expression and Affective Prosody, Noelle Turini Santorelli
Melville's Quest for Certainty: Questing and Spiritual Stability in Herman Melville's Moby-Dick, Damien Brian Schlarb
Isolation and Characterization of the Y32G9A.8 Promoter in C. elegans, Rebecca Joy Schlisner
The Relation between Self-Report Mindfulness and Performance on Tasks of Attention, Stefan Kennedy Schmertz
Hype and Hypersexuality: Kara Walker, Her Work and Controversy, Erikka Juliette Searles
Structural and Optical Characterization of Group III-Nitride Compound semiconductors, Jayantha Senawiratne
Age and Sex Differences in the Acquisition and Maintenance of Intravenous Amphetamine Self-Administration in Rats, Mahin Shahbazi
Aspects of King MacLain in Eudora Welty's The Golden Apples, James Hammond Shimkus
Understanding Teen Pregnancy through the Younger Sister's Voice: A Focused Ethnography, Bonnie J. Simmons
I'm Not Loud Enough to be Heard: Rock 'n' Roll Camp for Girls and Feminist Quests for Equity, Community, and Cultural Production, Stacey Lynn Singer
Resilience Strategies of South Asian Women Who have Survived Child Sexual Abuse, Anneliese Amanda Singh
A Misguided Quest for Legitimacy: The Community Relations Department of the Southern Organizing Committee of the CIO During Operation Dixie, 1946-1953, Michael Andrew Sloan