Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The Influence of Criminalism on Prosecutorial Discretion and Sentence Length, Graham Ellis Moore
Assessing The Ability of the SRSS-IE to Accurately Predict Early Warning System Data in Elementary School Students, Quentin Moore
Income as a modifier of the relationship between cognitive impairment and education, Lillian M. Morgado
Beyond the Screen: An Exploration of Black Girls' Social Media Content as Dialogue, LaTasha T. Mosley
Towards non-vascular fundus image analysis and disease detection, Saeid Motevali
The TET family proteins regulate skeletal muscle fiber type determination and whole-body energy homeostasis., Miranda Movahed
Examining the Differences in Mental Health Distress Coping Mechanisms between Male and Female Muslim Young Adults in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area: An Exploratory Study, Aruba B. Muhammad
Raspberry Polyphenols Target Molecular Pathways of Heart Failure, Rami Najjar
Pledging Allegiance: The Use of American Flag Imagery by Faith Ringgold and Emma Amos, Santana E. Nash
Essays of Platform Work and Changing Workplaces, Luisa Nazareno Aguiar
The Challenge of Transnational Feminism: The 1985 U.N. Third Conference on Women and NGO Forum in Nairobi, Kenya, Megan Neary
Relatives, Leeza Negelev
“’Nuff Said”: Understanding Comprehension Processes and Products for Reading Text and Non-Linguistic Graphic Narratives, Heather Ness-Maddox
The Impact of Social Media Sentiment on Market Share for Higher Education Institutions, Brandi Nicole Newkirk
Monsoon Season: A Collection of Stories, Wanjiku Ngugi
Unapologetically Present: An Examination of Black Gay Young Men’s Social Discourses as a Demonstration of Agency, Marcus C. North
Meta-Awareness about Multimodal Composition: Identifying Components of Multimodal Writing Development, Euguenia Novokshanova
Essays in Production Networks, Capital Structure and Asset Prices, Carlos Nunez
The Production of DNA Damaging Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) by Some Natural Products: A Comparative Analysis, Erhunmwense Obayuwana
Not Bad For A Girl With No Talent: Leisure As Labor In The Consumption Of Kim Kardashian's Brands, Abby O'Callaghan
Hypertension and Diabetes Comorbidity: Factors that are Associated with their Joint Occurrence, Oluwatoyosi Ogunmuyiwa
Classifying Different Cancer Types Based on Transcriptomics Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Eunice Olorunshola
The Image Bank: Reflections on an Incomplete Archive, Anuolapo Boluwatife Oluleye
Patterns of Tobacco Product Use in the US Population using the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study, Wellington C. Onyenwe
Assessing Urbanization Impacts on Surface Water Quality in the Atlanta Region, Oluwatosin I. Orimolade
Identifying Gaps in Care for Early Intervention Providers working with Deaf/ Hard of Hearing (D/HH)+ Children and Recommendations for Systemic Improvements, Kristina M. Ormond
The Queer Revolution Was Televised: TV in the Age of HIV/AIDS, Bowers v. Hardwick, and the March on Washington, Martin Padgett
An End, Once and for All: Mass Effect 3, Video Game Controversies, and the Fight for Player Agency, Caren Pagel
SARS-CoV-2 Receptor-Binding Domain-Based Mucosal COVID-19 Vaccines, Melissa L. Palacios
Banks on a Plane: Disparities in Financial Access and Critiques of Geospatial Accessibility, Ryan Pardue
Unintended Pregnancies Among Adult Mothers Who Have Not Graduated High School: Family Planning Intentions, Birth Control Practices, and Optimal Interpregnancy Intervals, Alexandria L. Parham
Conflicto Armado Colombiano: Una Mirada Interseccional De Género, Racismo Y Colonialidad, Sara Parra Cadavid
Sexual Dimorphism of the Second Cervical Vertebra in Humans, Morgan Paskins
Understanding Differences in Sexual Violence Perpetration Among College vs. Non-college Men, Yamini Patel
Unmasking Ecological Warfare – Shell-BP, Nigeria, and the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People, Thomas Paterson
How Safety Leadership Styles Impact Employee Safety Behaviors, Michelle McRae Payne
Comparison of the Lived Experiences of Food Insecurity and Food Choices Among Adults Who Currently Smoke versus Formerly Smoked: A Qualitative Investigation, Emmaline Peterson
Agility and Resilience as Sources of Competitive Advantages a Theoretical and Empirical Investigation, Celso Roberto de Aguillar Pinho
MNEs Paradoxes in Responsible Global Business – A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation, Maria Luiza C.A. Pinho
The Debt I Owe: Consequences of Criminal-Legal Debt in Metro Atlanta, Daniel A. Pizarro
Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning with Homomorphic Encryption: Addressing Challenges Related to Usability, Memory, and Recurrent Neural Networks, Robert Podschwadt
Pre-Assault Diagnoses Associated with Post-Assault Emergency Department Visits After Recent Sexual Assault, Jessica Prince
Their Heimat on the Periphery: German Settlers in Southwest Africa, 1828–1934, Shawn M. Reagin
Sending Love Through A Barrel: Investigating the Immigrants’ Experience, From Belonging To Assimilation, Kandi-Lee J. Reid
Bridging Corpus Linguistics to ITA Training and Testing: Validation of Functional Language in Academic Lectures, Haoshan Ren
Revolutionizing Knowledge Production: Transformative Reproductive Justice Activism Through Zine Making, Sierra R. Reyes
Behavioral Sex Differences Caused by Distinct Vasopressin Sources, Nicole Rigney
Believing rationally given your actual beliefs: on Susanna Rinard’s pragmatism, Marlon Rivas Tinoco
Investigating How School Counselors Using #scchat on Twitter Advocate for Marginalized Student Populations: A Social Network Analysis, Adrianne Robertson
Social Structural Sorting in U.S. Schools, Sarah Roche
Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Assess the Service Needs of Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Atlanta, Jasmine Rockwell Heard
Sisters of Conspiracy: A Feminist Analysis of Evangelical, New Age, and Qanon Movements in Contemporary American Politics., Rachael Rollings
Expectation Maximization Methods for Metabolic Pathway Analysis, Filipp Rondel
Advancements in Cancer Genomics: Graph-Based Motif Discovery and Single-Cell Analysis, Sayed Hossein Saghaeiannejad Esfahani
Just-ish?: Alternative justice attitudes: A randomized control trial, Iman Abdulkadir Said
Examining Factors Associated with Alcohol Use and Consequences among Latine College Students, Nashalys K. Salamanca
Criticality and Collaboration: Developing Critical Literacy Writing Instruction for Secondary Black Students, Brooks Salter
Can explicit processes support implicit category learning?: The effect of relevant rule-oriented selective attention on implicit learning, Andres Sanchez
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Red Shifted Squaraine Dyes Containing Perimidine Moiety as Potential Optoacoustic Imaging Agents, Shahir Sarasiya
An Actor-Centric Approach to Facial Animation Control by Neural Networks For Non-Player Characters in Video Games, Sheldon Schiffer
The Overcoming of the Idea of Life in Hegel's Science of Logic, Carlos Schoof
Mathematical Voices from the South: Books Clubs as a Conduit for Intersectional Inquiry and Praxis within a High School Mathematics Teacher Critical Friends Group, Rachel E. Seasholtz
Underreported Yet Overcrowded: Negligent Deaths and Prison Overcrowding in the Context of Missing Prison Data in the United States, Chloe Sellers
Life Saving Drugs, Health Policy and Mental Health, Hasan Shahid
Rational Design and Synthesis of NIR Dyes for Biomedical Imaging, Md Shamim
A Novel Role of Histone Methyltransferase SMYD2 in Atherosclerosis and Plaque Calcification, Shaligram Sharma
Quantifying Effects of Perturbation Intensity on Slip Outcome in Young Adults, Sangwon Shin
The Role of S-Nitrosylation in Valosin-Containing Protein-Mediated Cardioprotection, Xiaomeng Shi
Design Thinking Process: Visual Art Curriculum Design Tool For Students With Severe and Multiple Disabilities, Kendall LE Siddiqui
Peripheral Sympathetic Leptin Receptor Signaling Regulates Sympathetic Innervation of White Adipose Tissue and Diet-Induced Thermogenesis, Felipe C. Silva
Pregnancy Associated Conditions and Birth Outcomes Among Georgia Mothers: A Population-based Study, Meosha Simpson
Regulation of Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae-induced Host Innate Immunity in Lung Epithelium, Hardeep Singh
Lost and Found in Translation: Women Translating the Classics as Rhetorical Acts, Alexandra Sladky
The GOD in HIV: How the Perceived Influence of Christianity on Sex Education Impacts Black Men Who Have Sex with Men’s Knowledge of HIV, Victor Sledge
Community Recovery in Eastern Kentucky after the July 2022 Flooding, Margaret L. Smith
Strategically Using the National Mall: Communication Cycles in the Formation of Political, Morgan Smith
Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemiology of Salmonella serotype Kentucky infections—United States, 2009–2022, Caroline Snyder
School Culture and Mathematics Teachers' Experiences: A Story of Johnson High School, Alexandra Starke
Does it Really Matter? Presidential Rhetoric and Framing and its Effect on State Marijuana Policy Diffusion., Dana Stevenson
Poetics of Black Foodscapes: A Qualitative Study Exploring Black Culinary Epistemologies in the Food Practices of Urban-dwelling African American Women Experiencing Food Apartheid, Armani Kirsten Stewart
Depleting, Enriching, Or Both? A Daily Diary Investigation Of The Costs And Benefits Of Servant Leadership Behaviors For The Leaders Themselves, Derek J. Stotler
(Para)Normalizing the Patriarchy: How Supernatural Pregnancy Storylines Shape Perceptions of Motherhood and Bodily Autonomy for Women in Angel, 1999-2004, Haley L. Strassburger
The Influence of Social Capital on College Persistence and Completion for African American Males, Jacquelyn Carlotta Strickland
The Atlantic Voice: Narrative and the Creation of the Circum-Atlantic World, James Harper Strom
Olfactory Vision: Recollection of Visual Information Through Smell in Graphic Design, Monica Suarez Argudin