Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Punitive Warfare: Measuring The Effects of a Punitive Disposition On Public Support For War, Paul I. Thomas Mr.
What Informs Practice and What is Valued in Corporate Instructional Design? A Mixed Methods Study, Ingrid N. Thompson-Sellers
The Bogota Ciclovia-Recreativa and Cicloruta Programs: Promising Interventions to Promote Physical Activity, and Social Capital in the City of Bogota, Andrea D. Torres
Synthesis of Coupling Substrates for Use in a Highly Enantioselective Conjugated Triene Cyclization Enabled by a Chiral N-Heterocyclic Carbene, Christopher A. Toth
Circumstellar Disks Around Rapidly Rotating Be-Type Stars, Yamina Touhami
Beyond Libertarianism: Interpretations of Mill's Harm Principle and the Economic Implications Therein, Matthew A. Towery
Racial Formation in a "Post" Racial Society: How Are College Students being Prepared for Tomorrow?, Kinyatta N. Trice
Evaluation and Determination of the Sensitivity and Specificity of a Treponema Pallidum Dried Blood Spot Method for Serologic Diagnosis of Syphilis, David K. Turgeon
DI-SEC: Distributed Security Framework for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, Marco Valero
On Coming Home, James D. Vanderpool
Self-Reported Medical Conditions and Demographic, Behavioral and Dietary Factors Associated with Serum 25(OH)-Vitamin D Concentration in the US Adult Population, William E. Van Fleit III
A New Approach to Estimate the Incidence of the Corporate Income Tax, Harold A. Vasquez-Ruiz
Utility, Character, and Mill's Argument for Representative Government, Paul Vickery
Remember, Anthony C. Vines
Survival and Inactivation of Bacteriophage ?6 on N95 Respirator Material, Betelhem Waka
Moral Responsibility "Expressivism," Luck, and Revision, Kyle Walker
The Experiences of Professional Counselors Who Exhibit Exceptional Practice with Children and Adolescents in Nonschool Settings, Maggie E. Walsh
On Yonder Mountain, Christopher D. Walter
Statistical Evaluation of Continuous-Scale Diagnostic Tests with Missing Data, Binhuan Wang
Deadly Viper Character Assassins: Cyber Discourse on Asian American Marginalization and Identity, Eileen Wang
Effect of Risk and Prognosis Factors on Breast Cancer Survival: Study of a Large Dataset with a Long Term Follow-up, Hongwei Wang
Resource Management in Survivable Multi-Granular Optical Networks, yang wang
Chronic Conditions of US-Bound Cuban Refugees: October 2008-September 2011, Sarah Ward
Subject To Change, Christina Price Washington
Writing Space, Righting Place: Language as a Heterotopic Space in Olaudah Equiano's Interesting Narrative, Lelania Ottoboni Watkins
The Relationships Among Childhood Sexual Abuse, Self-Objectification, and Sexual Risk Behaviors in Undergraduate Women, Laurel B. Watson
Minority Party Strategy in the House of Representatives: Cross-Pressuring and the Motion to Recommit, Brian M. Webb
Impact of Insurance Status on Childhood Immunization Uptake, Lindsey M. Webb
The Impact of Sickle Cell Disease on the Family: An Examination of the Illness Intrusiveness Framework, Josie S. Welkom
Professional Counselors' Conceptualizations of the Relationship between Suicide and Self-Injury, Julia L. Whisenhunt
Artistic Frames: An Arts-Based Study of Teachers? Experiences with Arts-Integrated English Language Arts for Students with Dis/abilities, Alisha M. White
BL Cotton Caligula Aii, Manuscript Context, The Theme of Obedience, and a Diplomatic Transcription Edition, Denise C. White
"Little Holes to Hide In": Civil Defense and the Public Backlash Against Home Fallout Shelters, 1957-1963, John R. Whitehurst
Describing the Motor Skills of Young Children with Developmental Delays Before and After Participating in an Augmented or Non-Augmented Language Intervention, Ani S. Whitfield
Synthesis of Chiral N-Heterocyclic Carbene Precursors and Key Intermediates for Catalytic Enantioselective Cyclizations of Conjugated Trienes, Phillip D. Wilkerson
Local Labor Market Scale, Search Duration, and Re-Employment Match Quality for U.S. Displaced Workers, Kelly R. Wilkin
Black Public Creative Figures in the Neo-Racial Moment: An Analysis of Tyra Banks, Tyler Perry and Shonda Rhimes, 2005-2010, Danielle E. Williams
Vertical Firm Boundaries: Supplier-Customer Contracts and Vertical Integration, Ryan M. Williams
Neural Cartography: Computer Assisted Poincare Return Mappings for Biological Oscillations, Jeremy J. Wojcik
Massively Multiplayer Online Gamers: Motivations and Risks, Amanda Wolfe
State-building, Systemic Shocks and Family Law in the Middle East and North Africa, Camille L. Wolpe
Hegel's Critique of Ancient Skepticism, John Wood
Silence is Not Golden: Attitudes Towards Suicide in the African American Community, LaTrice Wright
Destination After Entering Foster Care: Road Toward Stability, Dong Yang
Racial Differences in the Prevalence of Depressive Disorders Among U.S. Adult Population, Fang-Di Yang
Jackknife Emperical Likelihood Method and its Applications, Hanfang Yang
The Relationship of Breast and Gynecological Cancers with Smoking and Metabolic Syndrome - An Examination of NHANES Data 2001 - 2010, Barbara A. Yankey
Molecular mechanisms of spermine on its synergistic effect with beta-lactams against Staphylococcus aureus, Xiangyu Yao
Achieving Genuine Moments from Ordinary Origins: Sheldon Wolin, Hannah Arendt, and Jacques RanciŠre on Democracy, Grant Yarbrough
Classification of Genotype and Age of Eyes Using RPE Cell Size and Shape, Jie Yu
Carbon Sequestration Potential in Simulated Saline Lake Waters, Scott N. Yurman
"How Art Thou Lost": Reconsidering the Fall in Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night, Meredith A. Zaring
Structure and Function Studies of Selenium Substituted Nucleic Acids, Wen Zhang
Mathematical Methods for Network Analysis, Proteomics and Disease Prevention, Kun Zhao
Synthesis and Energetics of Gold Nanoclusters Tailored by Interfacial Bonding Structure, Tang Zhenghua
Essays on Lifetime Uncertainty: Models, Applications, and Economic Implications, Nan Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Best of, Nimer I. Aleck II
Efficiency of Aerosol Therapy through Jet Nebulizer, Breath-Actuated Nebulizer, and Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler in a Simulated Spontaneous Breathing Adult, Abdullah ALQarni
The Effect of Using Different Aerosol Devices and Masks on Aerosol Deposition during Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation in an Adult Lung Model, Maher M. AlQuaimi
Asthma Prevalence: Focus on Prevention Management in Community Settings, Augustine M. Amenyah
Power Disparities and the Structure of Childrearing: A Content Analysis of Bestselling Children's Books, Angela M. Anderson
Reconciling Memory: Landscapes, Commemorations, and Enduring Conflicts of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, Julie A. Anderson
Using Q Methodology to Explore College Students' Conceptualizations of Sexual Consent, Elizabeth R. Anthony
Investigating the Effectiveness of Physical Activity Interventions for Older Adults, Iina E. Antikainen
Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals for ROC Curves with Missing Data, Yueheng An
Understanding how ESOL Pre-Services Teachers' Prior Experiences and Background Shape their Processes of becoming L2 (Reading) Teachers, Eudes H. Aoulou
Factors that Impact International Students? Learning of Introductory Physics at Georgia State University, Eric Kweku Appiah
Diabetes Guidelines Implementation Toolkit, Gustavo Adolfo Arguello Lacayo
Paradox Lost: Explaining Cross-National Variation in Case Volume at the European Court of Human Rights, Veronica S. Armendariz
Modeling the Relationship between a Social Responsibility Attitude and Youth Activism, Michael N. Armstrong PhD
Oxidized Lipid and its Association with Markers of Adiposity NHANES-2005-06, Payal Arora
Child Feeding Practices of WIC Participants in Gwinnett County, Georgia, Jenny R. Askew
Inferring Genomic Sequences, Irina A. Astrovskaya
Patient-Relativity and the Efficacy of Epicurean Therapy, Michael J. Augustin
Coping Resources, Coping Styles, Mastery, Social Support, and Depression in Male and Female College Students, Kristen J. Aycock
Public Health Implications of Mass Rape as a Weapon of War, Missale Ayele
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Bauxite Deposits (Cretaceous), Wilkinson County, Georgia., Adebayo O. Ayorinde
Friends with Benefits: Other Regard in Epicurean Ethics, William P. Baird
Pronunciation Pedagogy: Second Language Teacher Cognition and Practice, Amanda A. Baker
How Does Buzz Build Brands? Investigating the Link between Word of Mouth and Brand Performance, Andrew M. Baker
To Catch Who? Moral Panics in Contemporary Television Media, Crystal L. Baker
Red Helmsman: Cybernetics, Economics, and Philosophy in the German Democratic Republic, Kevin T. Baker
Assessing the Protective Effects of School Belonging Against the Risk of Limited English Proficiency, Christopher M. Barclay
How Do Scientists Cross Cultural Borders between Religion and Science: A Case Study, Chester A. Barner III
Imagining Haiti: Representations of Haiti in the American Press during the U.S. Occupation, 1915-1934, Molly M. Baroco
The Relationship Between Vitamin D and Calcium/Dairy Intake and Obesity in Children, Jason Barry
Comparative Study of the Effects of Tai Chi and Strength Training on Osteoarthritis in Older Adults, Abhinandan Batra
Investigating a Model of False Memory Construction: Is Seeing Believing?, Rebecca Bays
Judicial Recusal: On the Brink of Constitutional Change, Laura M. Beamer
The Knot, Laura L. Beasley