Theses/Dissertations from 2011
ProtoFaschismus und Apolitische Haltung in Die Verwirrungen Des Zöglings Törless, Michael R. Floyd
Luce e Ombre - Light and Shadows, Robert L. Foah
From Mammy to Madea, and Examination of the Behaviors of Tyler Perry's Madea Character in Relation to the Mammy, Jezebel, and Sapphire Stereotypes, Nargis Fontaine
Identification is Persuasion: Eisenhower’s Call for Unity and the Founding of NATO’s Military Headquarters, Debra N. Fossum
The Path from Foster Care to Permanence: Does Proximity Outweigh Stability?, Michael Fost
Self-Ownership, Freedom and Eudaimonia, Keith D. Fox
On the Biochemistry, Mechanism and Physiological Role of Fungal Nitronate Monooxygenase, Kevin Francis
What Does It Take To Motivate Better Performance and Productivity in the Federal Workplace? Ask the Employees., Sue Ann Frank
Understanding the Barriers to the Assimilation of Interorganizational Technologies in Channel Relationships, Jennifer L. Fries
The Influence of Language Preference on Bilingual Children's Expressive and Receptive Vocabulary and Reading Ability, Cortney M. Fritz
A Geochemical Analysis: Application of a Chelating Agent on Potential ASR Reactive Aggregates, Jennifer N. Garcia
Potentials and Impediments to Universal, School-based Screening for Behavioral and Emotional Risk: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Current Case Law, Natasha D. Gardner
Technology Adaptations to the Parent-infant Interactions Module for Parents with Intellectual Disabilities, Emily H. Gaskin
Title I Elementary School Principals' Perspectives on Teacher Preparedness: University-Based Alternative Teacher Preparation for Urban Schools, Pamela L. Gayles
Considering a Human Right to Democracy, Jodi Ann Geever-Ostrowsky
HIV/AIDS in Haiti. An Analysis of Demographics, Lifestyle, STD Awareness, HIV Knowledge and Perception that Influence HIV Infection among Haitians., Yves Marie Dominique Georges
"A Revolution by Due Course of Law": Matthew Arnold, G.W.F. Hegel, and the State's Revolutionary Role, Shannon N. Gilstrap
The Priming Effects of Polling Location on Ballot Initiative Voting Decisions, Jeffrey M. Glas
Bullying in Georgia Schools: Demographic Profiles and Psychosocial Correlates of Students Who Would Intervene in a Bullying Situation, Lori Goldammer
Pathways To Antigay Aggression: The Influence Of Male Role Norms Via Sexual Prejudice And Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Bradley Goodnight
Social Justice Advocacy Trends Related to Gay/Straight Alliance Advisors' Experiences in Schools, Emily Graybill
The STEPS to Atlanta Streets Alive Activity Guide, Dana Greear
The Moderating Influence of Strength on Depression and Suicide in African American Women, Brandeis H. Green
The Role of Poetry and Language in Hegel's Philosophy of Art, Daniel Griffin
Why Not Penal Torture?, Cleo Grimaldi
Parents' Choice of Pre-Kindergarten: A Transactional Ecological Approach, Kathryn E. Grogan
Teaching Young Mothers to Identify Developmental Milestones, Katelyn M. Guastaferro
Diagnosing Changes in Cells Using FTIR Microspectroscopy, Jing Guo
Product and Process in Toefl iBT Independent and Integrated Writing Tasks: A Validation Study, Liang Guo
Social Ecology of Adherence to Hypertension Treatment in Latino Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers, Eleanor M. Hall
A Lesson from the Urban Garden, Jamie Y. Hamblin
Essays on the Evaluation of Environmental Programs, Merlin M. Hanauer
God Made the Apples, We Made the Bites, Jessica Danielle Hand
Prevalence of Chronic Diseases and Risk Factors for Death among Elderly Americans, Guangming Han
The Role of Social Support Systems in the Advancement of Professional Chefs, Emily Hansford
Hair Matters: African American Women and the Natural Hair Aesthetic, Brina Hargro
The Early Parent-Child Relationship and Aggression: The Mediating Role of Language, Christopher R. Harper
Restorative Notions: Regaining My Voice, Regaining My Father: A Creative Womanist Approach to Healing from Sexual Abuse, Adenike A. Harris
Redescribing Agency through Sport and Ritual: Considering an Alternative Approach, Bethanie Harsh
Towards a theory of Clergy Executive Compensation, Nicholas L B Harvey
Creating a Chronocline of the Diet of Theropithecus From Low-magnification Stereomicroscopy: How Has the Diet of Theropithecus Changed Over Time?, Meri K. Hatchett
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Transformational Leadership, and Effectiveness in School Principals, Elizabeth B. Hebert
A Critical Study of Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life of Bees, Joy A. Hebert Ms.
Assessing Haitian Women's Vulnerability to Cervical Cancer Because of Socio-demographic Predictors of Care Access, Marie Isabelle Caroline Hilaire
The Relationship between Diet Quality and the Comorbidity of Diabetes in Adults with Heart Failure, Jessica M. Hill
Refugees Negotiating Academic Literacies in First-Year College: Challenges, Strategies, and Resources, Eliana Hirano
A Defense of Moral Error Theory, Kyle M. Hirsch Mr.
Vocal Improvisation and the Development of Musical Self-efficacy in Adolescent Choral Musicians, David Neal Hirschorn
Willa Cather's O Pioneers!: Violence and Modernist Aesthetics, Jordan F. Hobson
Objective Quantification of Daytime Sleepiness, Amanda E. Hodges
Knowledge and Opinions of Marijuana: A Farewell to Harms, Or a Learned Path Through the Gateway?, Charles E. Hogan
Stakeholders' Perceptions of Risk for Gentrification in Atlanta's Pittsburgh Neighborhood, David C. Holmes
But What Kind of Badness?: An Inquiry into the Ethical Significance of Pain, Andrew L. Hookom
The Flow of the Water: Contemporary American Realisms, Justin Horton
Computing with Granular Words, Hailong Hou
Electrophysiological Characterization of SecA-dependent Protein-conducting Channel, Ying-Hsin Hsieh
Earnings Smoothness and Investment Sensitivity to Stock Prices, Xiaochuan Huang
Some Topics in Roc Curves Analysis, Xin Huang
Characterization of Structure and Function of SECA Domains, Ying-Ju Huang
The Impact of Friendship Closeness and Hegemonic Masculinity on Group Perpetrated Antigay Aggression, Adam D. Hudepohl
19th Century Tragedy, Victory, and Divine Providence as the Foundations of an Afrikaner National Identity, Kevin W. Hudson
Beyond Self: Strategic Essentialism in Ana Mendieta's "La Maja de Yerba", Michelle L. Hudson
Rhetorical Failures, Psychoanalytic Heroes: A Psychorhetoric of Social Change, Kimberly D. Huff
Three Daughters in Search of Mothers: Exploring Surrogate Motherhood in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, Kathryn M. Huie
Testing an Assumption of Non-Differential Misclassification in Case-Control Studies, Qin Hui
Perceptions of a HIV Testing Message Targeted for At-Risk Adults with Low Functional Health Literacy, Susan L. Hunter
From Performer to Petrushka: A Decade of Alexandra Exter's Work in Theater and Film, Laura A. Hunt
Labor Agency beyond the Union: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers and Faith-Based Community Organizations, Michael Husebo
The Glitch Aesthetic, Rebecca Jackson
Online Gaming and Teamwork, Lakshmi Jagad Ms.
A Study of the Lhires III Spectrograph on the Hard Labor Creek Observatory 20 inch Telescope, Benjamin G. Jenkins
Estimation of Hazard Function for Right Truncated Data, Yong Jiang
Characterization of SecA1 and SecA2 from Gram-Positive Pathogens and Discovery of Novel SecA Inhibitors, Jinshan Jin
Tenacious Threads: Crazy Quilts as an Expressive Medium for Making Art, Melissa Johns
Nucleic Acid Substrates: Investigation of Structural and Dynamic Features that Influence Enzyme Activity, Christopher N. Johnson
The Biopsychosocial Correlates of Chronic Pelvic Pain and Quality of Life in Women Attending a Specialty Pelvic Pain Clinic, Elisabeth A. Johnson
The Evolution of Dwarf-Irregular Galaxy NGC 1569: A Kinematic Study of the Stars and Gas, Megan C. Johnson
Inside and Outside 1101: First-Year Student Perceptions of Academic Writing, Laura E. Jones
Park Accessibility in Atlanta, Laura D. Joseph
Interval Estimation for the Correlation Coefficient, Aekyung Jung
Attacking and Securing Beacon-Enabled 802.15.4 Networks, Sang Shin Jung
Syntactic and Semantic Analysis and Visualization of Unstructured English Texts, Saurav Karmakar
On the Lebesgue Integral, Jeremiah D. Kastine
A House in the Middle of the Road: Serbia's Otpor Movement and its Strategies of Nonviolent Resistance, Jelena Kelava
Teacher's and Teacher Leaders' Perceptions of the Formal Role of Teacher Leadership, Jerry D. Kelley
Most Desperate People: The Genesis of Texas Exceptionalism, Michael G. Kelley
Living in the "Age of Accountability": How Co-Decision Empowers the European Parliament in the Design of EU Agencies, Patrick C. Kenard
Secular Foundations of Liberal Multiculturalism, Mohammad O. Khan
Shirin Neshat: A Contemporary Orientalist, Mojgan Khosravi
Binding of Bisbenzamidines with AT Rich DNA: A Thermodynamic Study, Nancy A. Kilpatrick
On the 4 by 4 Irreducible Sign Pattern Matrices that Require Four Distinct Eigenvalues, Paul J. Kim
The Functionality of Early Modern Collections, Brittanie A. Kinch
Recovery & Recognition: Black Women and the Lower Ninth Ward, Jamesia J. King
Defining a Molecular Mechanism for Lead Toxicity via Calcium-Binding Proteins, Michael Kirberger
Study of Cellular Activities in Response to Metal-Induced Apoptosis in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae using FTIR, Rupa Koduru
Bactericidal Mechanisms of Escapin, A Protein in the Ink of a Sea Hare, Kochun Ko