Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Discovering the Voices of the Segregated: Oral History of the Educational Experiences of the Turkish People of Sumter County, South Carolina, Terri Ann Ognibene
Prostate Cancer Screening Patterns among African American Men in the Rural South, JoAnn Simon Oliver
Evaluation of Emergency Response: Humanitarian Aid Agencies and Evaluation Influence, Monica LaBelle Oliver
Potential Factors of Influence on Local Wellness Policies of Georgia Public School Systems, Sandra C. O'Meara
International Research Collaboration, Research Team Performance, and Scientific and Technological Capabilities in Colombia: A Bottom-Up Perspective, Gonzalo Ordonez-Matamoros
Splitting Sexuality and Disability: A Content Analysis and Case Study of Internet Pornography featuring a Female Wheelchair User, Laura Carter Overstreet
Government Grants, Crowding Out Theory and American Based International Non-Governmental Organizations, King Odhiambo Owalla
Theory of International Law: Basic Human Rights Conception of the International Law, Elijah Owuor
Perspective on Multicultural Education: Case Studies of a German and an American Female Minority Teacher, Yesim Ozbarlas
So, Who Feels Pretty: Negotiating the Meaning of Femininity in a Nonheterosexual Community, Amy Palder
Urbanization and Poverty Reduction Outcomes, Panupong Panudulkitti
A Study about Older African American Spousal Caregivers of Persons with Alzheimer's Disease, Lillian D. Parker
A Geographic Information System (GIS) Analysis of Cancer Clinical Trial Locations in the State of Georgia by Major Cancer Type, Shaunta Shanell Parker
Reinforcing Efficacy of Amphetamine in Adolescent and Adult Male Rats, Lauren Chantel Payne
Teacher Inquiry in a Professional Development School Environment, Elizabeth Murray Pendergraft
The Effects of Antiretroviral Access on the Creation and Maintanence of HIV-Seropositive Identity., Kyle Patrick Peplinski
Athens of the South: College Life in Nashville, A New South City, 1897-1917, Mary Ellen Pethel
The Sound the Wind Makes, Robert Pfeiffer
Timing and Characterization of the Change in the Redox State of Uranium in Precambrian Surface Environments: A Proxy for the Oxidation State of the Atmosphere, Gerald D. Pollack
Divine Destiny or Free Choice: Nietzsche's Strong Wills in the Harry Potter Series, Julia Rose Pond
Abortion and Capital Punishment: Changing Attitudes and Demographical Influences, Ashley Hope Popham
College Men's Psychological and Physiological Responses Associated with Violent Video Game Play, Cecil Lamonte Powell
Study of Assembly and Function of the DrrAB Complex, Prajakta A. Pradhan
Essays on Political and Fiscal Decentralization, Riatu M. Qibthiyyah
Pension Reform and Retirement Incentives: Evidence from Austria, Roman Raab
Electrochemical Studies of Substituted Anthraquinones, Daniel Joshua Rabinowitz
Binding, Bending and G Jumping in the Minor Groove: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches, Maryam Rahimian
The Impact of Multidimensionality on the Detection of Differential Bundle Functioning Using SIBTEST., Terris Raiford-Ross
The Role of Coping Resources and Neuroticism in Predicting Female Aggression in Intimate Relationships., Dara N. Rampersad
Characterization of the Structure, Function and Assembly of the DrrAB Antibiotic Efflux Pump in Streptomyces Peucetius, Divya Kishore Rao
Domestic Capacities for Building Post-Conflict Peace, Erin Rachel Reed
An Assessment of Atlanta Area Emergency Operations Plans for Emergency Relief Services Utilized by Senior Citizens, Carline P. Richardson
Nietzsche as Interpreter: Against the Religious and Secular Appropriations, John D. Rivenbark
E-health and the Internet: Factors that Influence Doctors' Mediation Behaviors with Patients, Erin Robinson
The Sticking Out Parts: A Content Analysis of Print and Website Advertisements on Breast and Penis Augmentation, Thomas Christopher Robinson
Effects of a High Fructose Diet on Physiology and Cognition in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats, Amy Patricia Ross
Old School, San Antonio, Heather K. Russel
Atlanta's Quinceañeras, Daniela Ruz Hernandez
Investigation of Fundamental Black Hole Properties of AGN through Optical Variability, Wesley Thomas Ryle
UPS and Zoo Atlanta: A Case Study on Corporate Social Responsibility, Karen Saghini
Facing the Problems of Feminism: Working Toward Resolution, Joy Alicia Salvatore
Home Rule, Selectivity, and Overlapping Jurisdictions: Effects on State and Local Government Size, Robert Francis Salvino
P-Percent Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks, Chaitanya Sambhara
Teacher Video Clubs: A Method for Creating a Mathematical Discourse Community through Collective Reflection, Nancy Jo Schafer
Rumination as a Mediator of the Relation between Mindfulness and Social Anxiety in a Clinical Sample, Stefan K. Schmertz
Equity Pedagogy in the Secondary Mathematics Classrooms of Three Preservice Teachers, Pamela Annette Seda
The Role of GABAergic Transmission in Mediation of Striatal Local Field Potentials (LFPs), Andrew R. Seiscio
The Role of Chemical Senses in Predation, Risk Assessment, and Social Behavior of Spiny Lobsters, Shkelzen Shabani
Coping with Perceived Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Women of Color in Graduate Education, Priti Shah
"A Little Bit of Heaven": The Inception, Climax and Transformation of the East Washington Community in East Point, Georgia, Lisa Shannon-Flagg
Operation Help: Counteracting Sex Trafficking of Women from Russia and Ukraine, Nadezda Shapkina
Regulation of Connexin40 Gap Junctions, Thomas Vinaya Sheela
Aristotelian Liberal Virtues, Joseph W. Slade, IV
The Lived Experience of African American Parents of Middle School Boys at a Predominantly White Elite Private School, Debra Elaine Smith
The Morphic Orator: Transmogrified Delivery on the Audio-Enabled Web, Brian Johnson Snead
Patient Monitoring via Mobile Ad Hoc Network: Power Management, Reliability, and Delays, Sweta Sneha
An Interactive Wildfire Spread and Suppression Simulation Environment Based on Devs-Fire, Fei Song
The Effects of Testicular Nerve Transection and Epididymal White Adipose Tissue Lipectomy on Spermatogenesis in Syrian Hamster, Jeremiah E. Spence
Between You and Me, Thomas Micah Stansell
Autism and Education: A Comparison of Practices and Suggestions for Adaptation, Lisa Irene Steinfeld
A Genealogy of Absence & Evil: Tracing the Nation's Borders with Captain America, Christian J. Steinmetz
Using Three Different Categorical Data Analysis Techniques to Detect Differential Item Functioning, Torie Amelia Stephens-Bonty
Smokers’ Response to Corrective Statements and Implications for Media Campaigns, Kelly K. Stimpert
Synthesis of 2,4-Disubstituted Pyrimidine Derivatives as Potential 5-HT7 Receptor Antagonist., Shannon M. Sullivan
Semi-Parametric Inference for the Partial Area Under the ROC Curve, Fangfang Sun
Executive Function in the Presence of Sleep Disordered Breathing, Amy M. Sutton
The Effects of Networks on Institution Selection by Foreign Doctoral Students in the U.S., Zeynep Esra Tanyildiz
Administrative Law Judge Decision Making in a Political Environment, 1991 - 2007, Cole Donovan Taratoot
Financial Intermediation and Economic Growth: Bank Credit Maturity and Its Determinants, Nikola Tasic
Firm Recruitment Competition among States, Michael T. Tasto
Promoting Mathematical Understanding through Open-Ended Tasks; Experiences of an Eighth-Grade Gifted Geometry Class, Carol H. Taylor
A Kaleidoscope of Decisions: Using Cognitive Flexibility Theory to Advance a Novice ESOL Teacher's Scaffolding Expertise, Donna Lester Taylor
Neurocircuitry and Molecular Basis of Conditioned Defeat in Male Syrian Hamsters, Stacie Lin Taylor
The Non-moral Basis of Cognitive Biases of Moral Intuitions, Bradley Charles Thomas
West African Immingrants' Attitude Toward Seeking Psychological Help, Damafing Keita Thomas
Moment Problems with Applications to Value-At-Risk and Portfolio Management, Ruilin Tian
A Cognitive Model of Algebra Achievement among Undergraduate College Students, Tammy Daun Tolar
Signaling Mechanisms Regulating Neuronal Growth Cone Dynamics, Karine Tornieri
Reading Autistic Experience, Natalie Collins Trice
The Effect of Media Composition on Nitrile Hydratase Activity and Stability, and on Cell Envelope Components of Rhodococcus DAP 96253, Trudy-Ann Marie Tucker
Child Abuse, Racism and the State, Chase Parker Turner
WS-CDL Based Specification for Web Services Collaboration Testing, Ahmed A. Ugaas
A Phenomenological Exploration of Secondary School Counselors' Experiences Engaging in Group Work, Chinwe J. Uwah
Exposure to Gambling-Related Media and its Relation to Gambling Expectancies and Behaviors, Leanne Valentine
Online Professional Development: An Analysis of Instructor Beliefs and Instructional Strategies for the Facilitation of Learning with Adult Educators, Kathi L. Vanderbilt
Childhood Cancer Survivors: Patient Characteristics, Kirsten M. Vangile
Kim's Pairing Problem and the Viability of Substance Dualism, Jimmy Ray Vaught
802.11 Fingerprinting to Detect Wireless Stealth Attacks, Aravind Venkataraman
Essays on Corruption and Preferences, Angelino Casio Viceisza
The Effects of Direct Instruction in Writing on English Speakers and English Language Learners with Disabilities, Kimberly A. Viel-Ruma
Marital Status as a Proxy Measure of Social Support and its Influence on Health Status and Depression Rates, Octavia L. Vogel
Application of Term-Rewriting Grammar in Chemical Reaction Prediction, Patra Volarath
Origins and Orthodoxy: Anthologies of American Literature and American History, Daniel Richard Vollaro
Analysis of Additive Risk Model with High Dimensional Covariates Using Correlation Principal Component Regression, Guoshen Wang
Some Conclusions of Statistical Analysis of the Spectropscopic Evaluation of Cervical Cancer, Hailun Wang