Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Examining the Association between Parental Smoking and Adolescent Age of Smoking Initiation in Africa, Jessica Lauren Howell
Cotton Mather's Relationship to Science, James Daniel Hudson
Movement Against Disaster: An Ethnography of Post-Katrina Volunteerism in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, Louisiana, Patrick W. Huff
Opening the Black Box of Agency Behavior: Dimensionality and Stability of FCC Commissioner Voting, Eric Demian Hurst
Time Series Forecasting Model for Chinese Future Marketing Price of Copper and Aluminum, Zhejin Hu
In the Body, Katherine Sungwon Hyon
"Getting Better" after Torture from the Perspective of the Survivor, Brian Louis Isakson
Effect of Social Status on the Behavior and Neurophysiology of Crayfish, Fadi Aziz Issa
Where the Whip-poor-Will Blows, Robert Perry Ivey
An Unquenchable Flame: The Spirit of Protest and the Sit-In Movement in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Samuel Roderick Jackson
The Relationship between Executive Functions and Metacognitive Strategy Learning and Application, Eva Mashock Jansiewicz
For Earth's Sake: Closing the Chasm between Theory and Practice in Sustainable Interior Design Education, Jesus Mangaoang Jimenez
Set-Switching and Learning Transfer, C. Dustin Johnson
Glory B 2 God, Debra Elaine Johnson
The Production of Designed Potential Protein Contrast Agents and their Encapsulation in Albumin Microspheres, Julian A. Johnson
Factorization of Quasiseparable Matrices, Paul D. Johnson
The Role Cranberry Proanthocyanidins Play in the Primary Attachment of Bacteria to Surfaces: Bacillus cereus Model, Anthony Robert Jones
Proteomic Analysis of the Response of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa PAO1 to the Cell to Cell Signaling Molecule Trans, Trans-farnesol of Candida Albicans, Shelby L. Jones-Dozier
Using Protein Design to Understand the Role of Electrostatic Interactions on Calcium Binding Affinity and Molecular Recognition, Lisa Michelle Jones
"You Done Lost Yo' Mind Ain't No Such Thang as AAVE": Exploring African American Resistance to AAVE, Tiffany Marquise' Jones
Induction of Apoptosis by Rubella Virus Non-Structural Replicase and Rescue by Capsid, Alison Elizabeth Kanak
What’s the Story? Framing of Health Issues by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Major Newspapers: A Qualitative Analysis, Kathryn O'Neill Karnes
Conceptual Change in Pre-Service Science Teachers' Views on Nature of Science When Learning a Unit on the Physics of Waves, Ehsan Habib Kattoula
Mapping and Filling Metabolic Pathway Holes, Dipendra Kaur
The Experiences of African American Grandchildren Raised in Grandparent-Headed Families, Karia Kelch-Oliver
Freedom and Forfeiture: Responding to Galen Strawson's Basic Argument, Eli Benjamin Kelsey
Not Directly Evident, James Thomas Kennedy
Tuberculosis (TB)Progress toward Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) and DOTS in Who Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR), Khoaja M. Khaled
Cyclic Enzymatic Solid Phase Synthesis of DNA Oligonucleotides on an Epoxide-Activated Resin, Ahmed Mirza Khan
An Analysis of Ecological and Social Rationality: When are Lexicographic Heuristics Preferred?, Dong-Gook Kim
Algorithms for Toeplitz Matrices with Applications to Image Deblurring, Symon Kipyagwai Kimitei
Bioanalytical Applications of Intramolecular H-Complexes of Near Infrared Bis(Heptamethine Cyanine) Dyes, Junseok Kim
Analyses and Applications of Metalloprotein Complexes, Michael Patrick Kirberger
New Scenarios for Racial and Social Segregation in the Politics of Public Space and Social Fear, Angela Klepach
Bartonella Bacilliformis: Understanding The Underlying Causes Of Verruga Peruana Formation During Carrion?s Disease, Drew Eric Kohlhorst
Negotiation of Identities by International Teaching Assistants through the Use of Humor in University Classrooms, Iryna Kozlova
Interactive Whiteboard Technology within the Kindergarten Visual Arts Classroom, Tracy V. Kuzminsky
The Impact of Neonatal Inflammatory Insult on Adult Somatosensory Processing: The Role of the Descending Nociceptive Circuit, Jamie L. LaPrairie
Self-Identified Barriers to Asthma Management among Urban Families, Nastassia Lovie Laster
The Third Person in the Room: Servants and the Construction of Identity in the Eighteenth-Century Gothic Novel, Jennifer Thomson Lawrence
Having It All? Mothers' Experiences as Assistant Professors in Counseling Psychology Academia, Caroline Hecht Leavitt
Birth and Women in Mythology, Chanju Lee
Determining The Site Specific Metal Binding and Structural Properties of EF-Hand Protein Using Grafting Approach, Hsiau-Wei Lee
Care Workers' Motivations for Employment in Long-Term Care, Assisted Living, and Particular Facilities: Reconciling Inconsistent Values, Michael James Lepore
Managing the Tension between Standardization and Customization in IT-enabled Service Provisioning: A Sensemaking Perspective, Mark O. Lewis
Electrophysiological Studies on Escherichia coli Protein-conducting Channel, Bor-Ruei Lin
Violence Outside to Violence Within: The Experience of Sexual Minorities in Schools and Intimate Relationships, Caroline Lippy
Sex Differences in Morphine Analgesia and the Descending Modulation of Pain, Dayna Ruth Loyd
Preparation of the Assistant Principal for the Role of Principle: An Examination of Real Tasks as Compared to the Perceived Ideal Tasks, April Chastang Madden
Racial and Geographic Differences among Callers to the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line, October, 2005- April, 2007, Ban A. Majeed
Noetherian Filtrations and Finite Intersection Algebras, Sara Malec
An Ecological Model of Academic Negative Prediction Defiance in College Students, Kelly L. Maltese Tsai
Dread Talk: The Rastafarians' Linguistic Response to Societal Oppression, Carol Anne Manget-Johnson
Patterns of Sunscreen Application in Lifeguards, Parents and Children, Travis James Mann
An Analysis of Georgia Schools’ Compliance and Implementation of Federally Mandated School Wellness Policies, Eryn M. Marchiolo
Examining Correlations with Frequency of Walking Trips In Metropolitan Areas, Michelle J. Marcus
Numerical Cognition in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta), Emily Harris Marr
Plaza Fiesta: A Re-Imagined Homeland Contributing to Latino Identity and Community, Sarah Lindley Marske
Is Core Affect a Natural Kind?, Brandie Martinez Bedard
The Relationship between School Counselor Leadership Practices and Comprehensive Program Implementation, Erin Mason
Rapid Automatized Naming and Reading Ability, Rebecca Eisenberg McCartney
"So Very," "So Fetch": Constructing Girls on Film in the Era of Girl Power and Girls in Crisis, Mary Larken McCord
Transgenerational Ghosting in the Psyches and Somas of African Americans and their Literatures, Sonya Lynette McCoy-Wilson
Social Studies Educators' Perceptions of and Beliefs about the Inclusion of Religion in Textbooks., Victor Keith McCrory
Outcomes of Standards-based Portfolios for Elementary Teacher Candidates, Christina C. McIntyre
Memory, Place, and Desire in Late Medieval British Pilgrimage Narratives, Ruth Anne McIntyre
Clinical Decision-Making of Nurses Regarding Elder Abuse, Diana J. Meeks-Sjostrom
Managerial Incentives and the Choice between Public and Private Debt, Costanza Meneghetti
Sign Pattern Matrices That Require Almost Unique Rank, Assefa D. Merid
Biochemical Characterization of 2-Nitropropane Dioxygenase from Hansenula MRAKII, Slavica Mijatovic
The Making of an Image: The Narrative Form of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, Katherine Amanda Milby
Estimating the Firm’s Demand for Human Resource Management Practices, Benjamin Israel Miller
"Who Do You Think You're Border Patrolling?": Negotiating "Multiracial" Identities and "Interracial" Relationships, Melinda Anne Mills
Structure and Energetics of RNA - Protein Interactions for HIV RREIIB Targeting Zinc Finger Proteins., Subrata H. Mishra
A Historical Analysis of the Creation of a Cabinet-Level Department of Education, Shayla Lois Marie Mitchell
International Actors, Norms and Human Development, Amanda L. Moll
The Analysis of Antimicrobial Testing Vincetoxicum stocksii and Isolation of a Highly Active Compound Against Candida albicans by Using Various Different Techniques., Vasim Rasul Momin
The Money-Moving Syndrome and the Effectiveness of Foreign Aid, Nara Françoise Kamo Monkam
Contagion from Abroad: U.S. Press Framing of Immigrants and Epidemics, 1891 to 1893, Harriet Moore
Fidelity-Outcomes Relationships in the Expect Respect Program, Angela Devi Mooss
Disproportionate Representation of Preschool-Aged Children with Disabilities, Michael Joseph Morrier
The Power of Timelessness and the Contemporary Influence of Modern Thought, Katie Reece Moss
A Case Study of a Gender-Reconstructed Catholic University: The Professional Lives of Four Women Faculty Members, Judith Lynne Mucheck
Being Italian American: Performing Ethnicity in Atlanta, Stephen Murray
Housing Tenure, Property Rights, and Urban Development in Developing Countries, Ignacio Antonio Navarro
Illuminating the Queer Subtext: the Unmentioned Affairs in Willa Cather's O Pioneers!, Nora Neill
African American Women's Perceptions of and Experiences with Mandated Substance Abuse Treatment: Implications for Counselors, Kathryn Newton
Axial Ligand Mutant: H229A, Nhung Phuong Nguyen
Boys' Love and Female Friendships: The Subculture of Yaoi as a Social Bond between Women, Amy Ann O'Brien
Factors Associated with Traffic Crashes in Pasto, Colombia: 2005-2006, Adam L. O'Bryant
Consumer Adoption of Bandwidth Intensive Applications and Its Impacts on Broadband Adoption, Peter Helekiah Oburu
Client and Caregiver Perceptions of Adult Day Services: A Program Evaluation, Dianne Maureen O'Donnell