Publications from 2021
When Wrong is Right: The Instructional Power of Multiple Conceptions, Lauren Margulieux, Paul Denny, Kathryn Cunningham, Michael Deutsch, and Benjamin R. Shapiro
Apathy and Striatal Gray Matter Patterns in Schizophrenia and Huntington’s Disease, Gabriel Martinez, Skylar Walters, J S. Paulsen, Vince Calhoun, and Jessica Turner
Quantifying Interdisciplinarity: Subject Librarians as Research Collaborators, David S. Nolen, Sheeji Kathuria, and Evan Peacock
Health Literacy and Intercultural Competence Training, Michelle Ogrodnick, Mary Helen O'Connor, and Iris Feinberg
Critical Storytelling: Multilingual Immigrants in the United States, Luis Javier Pentón Herrera and Ethan Trinh
Cultivating calm and stillness at the doctoral level: A collaborative autoethnography, Luis Pentón Herrera, Ethan Trinh, and Manuel De Jesús Gómez Portillo
What About Interaction Geography to Evaluate Physical Learning Spaces?, Benjamin R. Shapiro
Classroom Interaction Geography: Visualizing Space & Time in Classroom Interaction, Benjamin R. Shapiro and Brette Garner
More Than a Blind Woman: Principal Teacher Miss Hannah Guillan and her Contributions to the Georgia Academy for The Blind, 1852-1898, Cristy Sellers Smith and Chara Haeussler Bohan
The 4 r’s of edTPA: Rationale, roadblocks, remediation, and recommendations, Peter Swanson
Diving Deep into Dissertations: Analyzing Graduate Students’ Methodological and Data Practices to Inform Research Data Services and Subject Liaison Librarian Support, Mandy Swygart-Hobaugh M.L.S., Ph.D.; Raeda Anderson; Denise George; and Joel Glogowski
Dissertations Content Analysis Data Set, "Diving Deep into Dissertations" article, College & Research Libraries, Mandy J. Swygart-Hobaugh M.L.S., Ph.D.; Raeda Anderson; Denise George; and Joel Glogowski
Crossing the Split in Nepantla: (Un)Successful Attempts, Ethan Trinh
Quê Hương, Ethan Trinh
Writing as an Art of Rebellion: Scholars of Color Using Literacy to Find Spaces of Identity and Belonging in Academia, Ethan Trinh and Luis Javier Pentón Herrera
Using Machine Learning to Predict Chat Difficulty, Jeremy Walker and Jason Coleman
Artificial intelligence in educational leadership: a symbiotic role of human-artificial intelligence decision-making, Yinying Wang
Examining the Actor Coalitions and Discourse Coalitions of the Opt-Out Movement in New York: A Discourse Network Analysis, Yinying Wang
Boundary Crossing by a Community of Practice: Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries Engage Science Education, Carol M. Worthman, Ann Cale Kruger, Cindy Achat-Mendes, Tashi Lhamo, Rinchen Wangyal, Gelek Gyatso, and Kelsey Gray
Publications from 2020
"A Friend, A Nimble Mind, and a Book": Girls' Literary Criticism in Seventeen Magazine, 1958-1969, Jill E. Anderson
The Mint Julep Consensus: An Analysis of Late 19th Century Southern and Northern Textbooks and Their Impact on the History Curriculum, Chara H. Bohan, Lauren Yarnell Bradshaw, and Wade Hampton Morris
A Reflective Study of Online Faculty Teaching Experiences in Higher Education, Chara H. Bohan and Katherine A. Perrotta
Copyright and Libraries: Georgia State Copyright Lawsuit, Laura Burtle
An Examination of a Group of Middle School Students’ Engagement during a Series of Afterschool Computing Activities in an Urban School District, Brendan Calandra, Maggie Renken, Jonathan Cohen, Timothy Hicks, and Tuba Ketenci
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on a major event legacy: The 2020 National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Basketball Final Four, Beth Cianfrone and Timothy Kellison
The politics of renewable power in Spain, John S. Duffield
I am not only a Student-Athlete: Investigating Social Identity Complexity as a Stereotype Threat Mitigation Strategy to Reduce Barriers, Jacob Alan English and Ann Cale Kruger
Oxygen Isotopes in Authigenic Clay Minerals: Toward Building a Reliable Salinity Proxy, Daniel Gebregiorgis, Daniel M. Deocampo, Fred Longstaffe, A. Simpson, Gail M. Ashley, Emily Beverly, Jeremy Delaney, and Javier Cuadros
What Can We Learn From X‐Ray Fluorescence Core Scanning Data? A Paleomonsoon Case Study, Daniel Gebregiorgis, Liviu Giosan, Edmund Hathorne, Pallavi Anand, Katrina Nilsson-Kerr, Anna Plaß, Andreas Lückge, Steven Clemens, and Martin Frank
Emerities Newsletter, Fall 2020, Georgia State University Emeriti Association
Emerities Newsletter, Spring 2020, Georgia State University Emeriti Association
Emerities Newsletter, Winter 2020, Georgia State University Emeriti Association
Neoliberal Aesthetics and the Struggle against Redevelopment in an Italian Postindustrial Periphery, Emanuela Guano
Here and then: Learning by making places with digital spatial story lines, Rogers Hall, Benjamin R. Shapiro, Andrew L. Hostetler, Helen Collins, David Owens, and Fisher Douglas
App Development in an Urban After-School Computing Program: A Case Study with Design Implications, Timothy Hicks, Jonathan Cohen, and Brendan Calandra
All Cultures Matter: Rachel Davis DuBois, the Woodbury Project, and the Intercultural Educational Movement, Charles Hight and Chara H. Bohan
Visualizing Qualitative Data: Creative Approaches for Analyzing and Demonstrating Lively Data from Diverse Learning Settings, Yong Ju Jung, Jaclyn Dudek, Shulong Yan, Marcela Borge, Soo Hyeon Kim, Jian Liao, Benjamin R. Shapiro, and Heather Toomey Zimmerman
Climate Vulnerability as a Catalyst for Early Stadium Replacement, Timothy Kellison and Madeleine Orr
Effect of Implementing Subgoals in’s Intro to Programming unit in Computer Science Principles, Lauren Margulieux, Briana Baker Morrison, Baker Franke, and Harivololona Ramilison
Reducing Withdrawal and Failure Rates in Introductory Programming with Subgoal Labeled Worked Examples, Lauren Margulieux, Briana B. Morrison, and Adrienne Decker
Factors Affecting Leaders’ Adoption of Innovation: The Case of Digital Ticketing in the High School Athletic Space, Armin Marquez, Beth Cianfrone, and Timothy Kellison
Sport Ecology: Conceptualizing an Emerging Subdiscipline Within Sport Management, Brian McCullough, Madeleine Orr, and Timothy Kellison
Comic Book Conversations as Pedagogies of Possibilities in Urban Spaces, Ewa McGrail, Gertrude Tinker Sachs, and Megan Lewis
The Curious Case of Loops, Briana Baker Morrison, Lauren Margulieux, and Adrienne Decker
What Do We Think We Think We Are Doing?: Metacognition and Self-Regulation in Programming, James Prather, Brett A. Becker, Michelle Craig, Paul Denny, Dastyni Loksa, and Lauren Margulieux
Short-term Forecasts of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Guangdong and Zhejiang, China: February 13–23, 2020, Kimberly Roosa, Yiseul Lee, Ruiyan Luo, Alexander Kirpich, Richard Rothenberg, J. M. Hyman, Ping Yan, and Gerardo Chowell
Classroom Interaction Geography: A Case Study, Benjamin R. Shapiro, Brette Garner, Hui Soo Chae, and Gary Natriello
Re-Shape: A Method to Teach Data Ethics for Data Science Education, Benjamin R. Shapiro, Amanda Meng, Cody O'Donnell, Charlette Lou, Edwin Zhao, Bianca Dankwa, and Andrew Hostetler
Linguistically Responsive Teaching in pre-service teacher education: A review of the literature through the lens of cultural-historical activity theory, Ana T. Solano-Campos, Megan Hopkins, and Laura Quaynor
Philosophical Considerations Always Already Entangled in Mathematics Education Research, David W. Stinson
Scholars before researchers: Philosophical considerations in the preparation of mathematics education researchers, David W. Stinson
Quality Videos and Integrated Performance Assessments Are Essential in the World Language edTPA, Peter Swanson and Jean W. LeLoup
Photovoice in a Vietnamese Immigrant Family: Untold Partial Stories behind the Pictures, Ethan Trinh
Suicide and Nepantla: Writing in In-Between Space to Crave Policy Change, Ethan Trinh
Too Nepantlera to Write: Building an Inclusive Tribalism for All, Ethan Trinh
Bridge Building Through a Duoethnography: Stories of Nepanleras in the Land of Liberation, Ethan Trinh and Leonardo Javier Merino Méndez
Using Research on Neuroeconomics Games in School Leaders’ Decision-Making Training, Yinying Wang
What is the role of emotions in educational leaders’ decision making? Proposing an organizing framework, Yinying Wang
When artificial intelligence meets educational leaders’ data-informed decision-making: A cautionary tale, Yinying Wang
Common Ingroup Identity Model, Shay Xuejing Yao
Self-Categorization Theory, Shay Xuejing Yao
Publications from 2019
Beliefs for Integrating Technology into the English Language Arts Classroom: Reflections from Scholars in the Field, Donna E. Alvermann, Ewa McGrail, Carl A. Young, Nicole Damico, and Lauren Zucker
Trading Eights: Teaching Collaboratively with Primary Sources, Jill E. Anderson and Kevin Fleming
Women’s Political Representation in Rwanda, Jennie E. Burnet
Unpacking Oakland Cemetery: Immersing Students in Atlanta History, Brennan Collins, Jeffrey Glover, Jes Moss, Spencer Roberts, Michael Page, and Pouya Dianat
The Double Consciousness of African American Students Who Desegregated Atlanta Public Schools, Tanya Crawford and Chara H. Bohan
Behavioral Engagement Shifts Among At-Risk High School Students Enrolled in Online Courses, Jennifer Darling-Aduana
Streetscape Palimpsest: A History of Georgia Avenue, Marni Davis
Using the SOLO Taxonomy to Understand Subgoal Labels Effect in CS1, Adrienne Decker, Lauren Margulieux, and Briana B. Morrison
Large Neutral Amino Acid Status in Association with P:T Ratio and Diet in Adult and Pediatric Patients with Phenylketonuria, Teresa Douglas, Anita Nucci, Ann Berry, Sarah Henes, and Rani Singh
Activists’ Strategic Communication in an Authoritarian Setting: Integrating Social Movement Framing into Issues Management, Hue Trong Duong, Hong Tien Vu, and Nhung Nguyen
Budgeting for Success:Comparing Finances Between HistoricallyBlack Colleges and Universities and Predominantly White Institutions, Kelly Elliott and Timothy Kellison
Quand l’invisible s’affiche Entretien avec Fabienne Kanor: Inscrire et réitérer des identités ouvertes, mouvantes et complexes, Gladys M. Francis
An Ethical Response to the “Gender Trouble” in Choral Music, Patrick K. Freer
In Dialogue: Response to Graham McPhail, “Too Much Noise in the Classroom? Towards a Praxis of Conceptualization”, Patrick K. Freer
Emerities Newsletter, Fall 2019, Georgia State University Emeriti Association
Emerities Newsletter, Spring 2019, Georgia State University Emeriti Association
Emerities Newsletter, Winter 2019, Georgia State University Emeriti Association
The control, content, and consequences of edTPA: World language teacher educators’ perceptions, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Peter Swanson
Re-examining teacher candidate performance on world language edTPA as a consequential assessment, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Peter B. Swanson
Global Perspectives on Democracy and Public Stadium Finance, Timothy Kellison, Michael Sam, Sungil Hong, Kamilla Swart, and Michael Mondello
Black Girls Speak STEM: Counterstories of Informal and Formal Learning Experiences, Natalie S. King and Rose M. Pringle
Cognitive approaches in L2 pragmatics research, Shuai Li
Contextual variations of mitigations in Chinese requests, Shuai Li
Measurement Quality and Rating Scale Functioning of a CSL Classroom Assessment Instrument, Shuai Li, Yali Feng, and Ting Wen
Variations in Rating Scale Functioning In Assessing Pragmatic Performance in L2 Chinese, Shuai Li, Naoko Taguchi, and Feng Xiao
Spatial Encoding Strategy Theory: The Relationship between Spatial Skill and STEM Achievement, Lauren Margulieux
Learning Sciences for Computing Education, Lauren Margulieux, Brian Dorn, and Kristin Searle
Review of Measurements Used in Computing Education Research and Suggestions for Increasing Standardization, Lauren Margulieux, Tuba Ketenci, and Adriene Decker
Design and Pilot Testing of Subgoal Labeled Worked Examples for Five Core Concepts in CS1, Lauren Margulieux, Briana B. Morrison, and Adrienne Decker
Brand Equity in College Athletics: An Assessment of Syracuse University’s “New York’s College Team” Strategic Branding Campaign, Glynn M. McGehee and Beth A. Cianfrone
Student Perceptions of Branding Benefits of a New Collegiate Stadium, Glynn M. McGehee, Beth Cianfrone, and Timothy Kellison
Transnational Black Politics and Resistance from Enslavement to Obama Through the Prism of 1619, Frank Obeland, Nele Sawallisch, and Elizabeth J. West
Facilities Operations Professionals’ Staffing Perceptions in Division I Football Championship Subdivision and Non-Football Athletic Departments, Camille Patterson, Kelly Elliott, Timothy Kellison, and Beth Cianfrone
Mission to Planet Markle: Problem-Based Learning for Teaching Elementary Students Difficult Content and Practices, Melanie Peffer, Maggie Renken, Patrick Enderle, and Jonathan Cohen
Cognitive Sciences for Computing Education, Anthony V. Robins, Lauren Margulieux, and Briana B. Morrison
Recent Intensification of the Seasonal Rainfall Cycle in Equatorial Africa Revealed by Farmer Perceptions, Satellite-Based Estimates, and Ground-Based Station Measurements, Jonathan Salerno, Jeremy E. Diem, Bronwen L. Konecky, and Joel Hartter