Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Trauma and Resilience among Direct Care Workers in Nursing Homes: Coping Through COVID-19, Alfred Boakye
Femcels: Where are the Women in the Incelosphere? An Exploratory Content Analysis of Femcel Forums, Madeline Bobo
Campus Atmosphere Impacts on Sexual Violence: A Bayesian Comparison of Undergraduate and Community Colleges, Kamilla Bonnesen
Universal Behavior Screening pre/post COVID-19 Data for School Aged Children, Felicia Boodram
Textures of Reality - Visual Metalepsis in Animation, Balazs Borosi
Biological Neuron Voltage Recordings, Driving and Fitting Mathematical Neuronal Models, Jassem N. Bourahmah
Smart Technology Adoption’s Impact on the Value of Logistics Service Providers’ Firms, Raziel Bravo
Revolution and Counterrevolution in Georgia, 1865-1870: Charles Hopkins, Aaron Bradley, and the Union Leagues, Robert Braxton
Insights into the Local Structural Impact of Ribonucleotide Inclusion in Duplexed DNA, Steven T. Brenden
Chronic Exposure to Low Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Promotes Metabolic Inflammation in Vertebrate and Invertebrate Systems, Asia S. Bright
Sexual Violence Victimization as a Predictor of Self-Objectification in College Women, Julianna Brown
The Effects of Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles on the Innate Immune System, Madeline Bruhn
Parent’s Emotion Coaching of Positive and Negative Emotions as it Relates to Children’s Communication of Emotions, Kyrsten A. Buote
A Systematic Review: Examining Waterborne Acinetobacter baumannii Outbreaks in Hospitals, Jessica Bushey
Hyper-Learning with Deep Artificial Neurons, Brendan Blake Camp
“Concrete Chocolate Bars”: Deconstructing Whitened Compulsory Heterosexuality Ideology in U.S. Carceral Facilities within the “South”, Celessia D. Cannon
Structural Leaders: The Intersection of School Principals, Business Leaders, and Social Networks, Nateil Carby
Dissecting Ubiquitin Chain Editing Mechanisms of Deubiquitinating Enzymes Enabled by Linkage-Specific di-Ubiquitin Probes, Tomaya Carpenter
Consume Her, Caroline Chavatel
Essays on Cigarette Regulation, Prenatal Smoking, and Cross-Border Shopping, Maxwell Chomas
Three Essays on Skills and Individual Decision-Making, Olga Churkina
Progress and Congress: Gender and Career Progression Among Congressional Staff, Micayla Clark
Antibiotic Resistance in Campylobacter, Adrienne o. Clewis
URLiteracy: Analyzing the K-2 Georgia Standards of Excellence in Computer Science and English Language Arts, Lauren Coleman
Paleoindian and Early Archaic Hunter-Gatherer Landscape Use: A Case Study from the Brier Creek Drainage in Burke County, Georgia, Quinn Connally
Building Computer Science Teacher Capacity with Integrated Computing, Bryan Cox
Unintended Consequences of Organizational Error Culture: Does the Strive for Perfection Cause Employees to Put on a Façade and Consider Leaving?, Scott Crumpton
Application of epidemiologic methods to investigate the heterogenous impact of COVID-19, Sushma Dahal
Emergent Collective Dynamics with Applications in Bridge Engineering and Social Networks, Kevin Daley
“We Ain’t Playing F*Cking Nice…”: Reactionary Fandom, Playful Platforms, and the White Masculine Crusader Fan Identity, Anthony Dannar
Examining the Interaction Between Mental Health Stigma, COVID-19 Traumatic Stress, and Race in Predicting Help-Seeking, Jaleh Davari-Dhariwal
Vanishing Without a Trace: Measuring Job Applicant Ghosting Attitudes Across the Stages of Job Pursuit, Christine Davis
Leader Emotional Exhaustion: The Moderating Role of Leadership Style, James Davis
Interpersonal and Structural Discrimination, Ethnic-Racial Identity, and Civic Action Among Immigrant-Origin Youth of Color in the U.S., Claudia A. Delbasso
Equal Respect, Accountability, and Democracy, James C. Delegal
Association Between Food Insecurity and Type of Food Pantry Visited Among Individuals in Atlanta, Georgia, Kendall Dennis
"Relations in the Unseen": An Asexual Reading of Long Nineteenth Century British Literature, Keith H. Derrick
Collocation Production and Language Use in English-Spanish Bilinguals, Stephanie Diaz
Does the Injustice Move You? A Comparative Study of Population Support for Black Social Movements, Lestina Dongo
Path Constitution in Family Business Succession: Evidence from A Longitudinal Case Study, Toney L. Duckworth-Chambless
The Black Pirates of the Atlantic World, 1500-1730: Renegades or Revolutionaries?, Garrentt Duffey
An Exploration of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in College Students, Barbara Duran
But Did You Not Read My Title? The Pastoral Purpose of Joseph Butler's Fifteen Sermons, Elijah T. Echols
Effects of Childhood Trauma on the Psychological Distress of Black Homeless Youth: The Moderating Role of Social Support, Tiffany A. Edwards Doh
Husk: Poems, Anna Sandy Elrod
Cultural Parenting: Igbo Mothers Raising their Children in the United States, Anene Emodi-Onwuk
A Space for Grace: Avenues to Ameliorate Obstacles Faced by Human Trafficking Survivors and Resource Providers, Cassandra L. Eng
An Exploration of the Status Quo Bias in Nonhuman Primates, Maisy D. Englund
Pandemics, Epidemics, and Public Health Crises– Oh My! An Examination of Tobacco Use During Public Health Emergencies, Robert T. Fairman
That’s Cap: How Racial Capitalism Feeds The Burnout of Black Millennials Living in The U.S., Oluyemi Farinu
Neural Correlates of Empathic Responding towards Mothers’ Happiness and Sadness in Middle Childhood, Katrina Farris
Evaluation of Mental Health Services Intervention for Refugees/Immigrant/Migrant (RIM) Population in Clarkston, Ga., Haram Fatima
Mechanism of Action Of PITM Reduction Of ZIKV Replication In Cell Culture, Oluwatola Femi-Olatunji
Do All Punishers Care about (Un)Fairness? Examining how Psychopathic Subtraits, Anger, and Fairness Motivate Costly Punishment, Sharlene Fernandes
Postmortem Interval Estimation Within the Context of Adipocere Formation, Emily Fields
An Analysis of the Association between Food Insecurity and Violent Crime in Georgia in 2020, Shawn Finnerty
Prevalence of Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome in Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals Receiving Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy, Ashley Fischer
Recipe for a New Republic: Foodways, Fiction, and American Identity in Selected Works of Lydia Maria Child, Sarah Josepha Hale, and Harriet Beecher Stowe, Gina Blankenship Flowers
Predictors of Clinical Mental Health Counseling Students’ Attitudes toward Working with Clients with Substance Use Disorders, Lauren Flynn
Black Genealogies Matter in U.S. Genealogy Tourism: A Content Analysis of Family Heritage Books and Plan for the, Pamela E. Foster
Exploring the Role of the Mathematics Education University Supervisor, Kristie A. Fountain
Social Kind Generics and the Dichotomizing Perspective, William Fraker
Organizational Resilience: An Exploratory Study on Eldercare and Support Responses to COVID-19, Darren G. Franklin
Does Impulsivity Moderate the Association between Alcohol-Related Expectancies for Sex and Sexual Aggression Perpetration?, MonicaMonet Franklin-Kidd
Nicotine and Amphetamine Decrease Sucrose Self-Administration, Cameron Fulco
Examining the Effect of a School-based Creativity Program on Divergent Thinking and Academic Achievement in Middle School Students, Lauren E. Garber Rowe
Inauthentic Accuracy: Digital History In Videogames And The GamerGate Scandal, O'Grady P. Gareis
Interference : Interwoven, Sally C. Garner
Three Tries, GETSAY
Catalytic Production of Carbon Monoxide from Phenyl Pyruvic Acid: Possible Therapeutic and Diagnostic Applications, Rujuta Ghorpade
Destroyed by Madness: Fighting Stigma and Building Empathy through the Narrative Experience, Kelley N. Gladden Walker
Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: An Examination of Benefits and Barriers., Olivia K. Golan
Becoming somebody: Black women’s escrevivências and politics of resistance, Irimara Gomes Peixoto
An Exploration Into Wastewater Surveillance Of Dengue Virus To Detect Outbreaks In A Community, Caroline Grosch
Habitat Suitability Assessment for Urban Beavers in Metro Atlanta, GA, and Charlotte, NC, Alisha Guglielmi
Preclinical Applications of Targeted Protein-Based Contrast Agents for Molecular MRI Imaging, Zongxiang Gui
Proximity and Mutual Fund Management Outsourcing: Evidence from Air Travel Data, Suiheng Guo
The Automaticity of Partisanship: Archetypal Expression and Expressiveness in an Age of Polarization, Adrien Halliez
You Know He Was Almost Your Daddy, Right?”: An Analysis of Black Women’s Digital Fan Practice on Morris Chestnut, Makalah B. Hampton
Addressing Rural America’s Suicide Disparity Among Men: How Mental Health Stigma Is Communicated Through Storytelling Networks, Lindsey Hand
Understanding Racial Inequities In Coproduction: The Case Of Public Education, Esther Han
Researches on the coloring of multigraphs, Yanli Hao
Long-Term Immune Consequences of Perinatal Opioid Exposure, Hannah Harder
Ohh He Likes the Girls: A Genealogy of the “Tranny Chaser”, Dennis Hardy
The reciprocal relationship of political communication: How governors use social media to influence election outcomes, Chanel Harley
Gendered Division of Labor among the Late Woodland Iroquois: Lithic Scrapers and Hide Production at the Simmons Site, New York, Brittany G. Hart
Identifying with Conspiracy Theorists: Uncovering Rhetorical Questions in the QAnon Movement, Jenna Harte
Examining Active Learning in an Online Synchronous Train-the-Trainer Mathematics Professional Development Initiative, Shannon Hart
For the Sake of Curiosity: Do Monkeys Choose to View Counterfactual Information?, Elizabeth Haseltine
Points of Entry and Existence: A Case Study Examination of East African Migrants in Clarkston, Georgia, Lyric Hathaway
Integration of Misaligned Spatial Data for Evidence-Based Planning and Disaster Risk Assessment, Faris Hawamdeh
The Role of the Salon Experience as a Form of Meaningful Engagement in the Lives of Persons Living with Dementia in Assisted Living, Virginia Heidbreder