Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Trauma, Family Functioning, and Offspring Psychosocial Wellbeing in Immigrant-Origin Families, Martha Ishiekwene
Vertical Charge Transport in Stacked 2D-3D van der Waals Heterogeneous Interface, Tara Jabegu
Advancing Solar Energetic Particle Event Prediction Through Survival Analysis and Cloud Computing, India R. Jackson
Relaxed Beliefs After Psychedelics: From Sensory Processing to Mystical States, Chloe Lily West Jacobs
Exploration of the Molecular Mechanisms of E3 Ligases RNF216, Rsp5, Parkin and their Novel Substrates Elucidated by the Orthogonal Ubiquitin Transfer Cascade, Savannah E. Jacobs
(Be)coming Intercultural through Critical Reflexivity: The Exploration of Three Black ESOL Teachers’ Life Experiences, Gyewon Jang
Relics, Karen Javits
A Longitudinal Study of Epigenetic Associations with Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development, Dawn Jensen
Ethnic-Racial Socialization and Racial Coping in Black Emerging Adults: A Profile Analysis, Asha N. Jimenez
Hyperspectral Speckle Imaging, Daniel Johns
Modulatory Effects of IFN-γ and IL-22 on Inflammatory Signaling and Cellular Responses in Intestinal Epithelial Cells, Asia E. Johnson
Negotiating Linguistic Prestige: The Sociolinguistic Value Of Creole In Guadeloupe, Letrice Johnson
Boko Haram in Nigeria: Analyzing the Linkages Between Armed Conflict Forced Displacement, and Food Security, Amari Jones
A Slow Archive of Black Study: The Mixtape, Derrick A. Jones
The Vanished Worlds of Konstantine Baker: A Novel, James Jordan
Evolution of RNA Viruses and Cancer Clones: Insights from Sequencing Data, Akshay Juyal
Closing the World's Largest Mental Asylum, Haley Michelle Kassum
Spatiotemporal Dense Prediction of 4D Dynamic Brain Networks through Weak Supervision, Behnam Kazemivash
Essays on Experimental and Environmental Economics, Sharad K C
Racial Microaggressions Within White Spaces: Experiences and Mental Health Consequences Among Black Students And Faculty, Briana Keith
Difference in Reported Symptoms by Type of Medical Nutrition Therapy Provided in Adults with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Justina S. Kim, Abby Johnson, Molly Paulson, and Anita M. Nucci
Linked Decisions: A Data Standard for Distributed Decision Support Systems, Jaroslav Klc
Design and Evaluation of Novel Delivery Approaches for Small Molecule Drugs, Mohammed Shameer Kondengadan
Uncovering the Mechanisms of Allosteric Interactions in Proteins: A Comprehensive Analysis Using Molecular Dynamics, Network Analysis, and Energy Calculations, Jacques Kumutima
The Effects of Quercetin and Citrulline on Nitric Oxide Metabolite Production and Cycling Performance, Jennifer A. Kurtz
Exploration Of Tobacco Use Behaviors Amid Societal Or Policy Changes And Rise Of E-cigarettes In US, Nikita Gajanan Kute
Methods of Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning for the Analysis of Heterogeneous Genomic Populations, Kiril Kuzmin
The Role and Correlates of Future Orientation on Health Outcomes for Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Ana LaBoy
The Impact of Obesity in Estimating Age-At-Death: An Analysis of Senescence of Features on the Auricular Surface, Dawson W. Lamb
Contested Authority: How Christian Nationalist Cultural Networks Shaped the COVID-19 Vaccination Debate, Keaton Lamle
Changes in Feelings of Anxiety and Stress During High School Physical Education, Art, and US History Classes, Kacie Lanier
Analysis of the stress granule response and virus-host protein interactions in simian hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV)-infected cells, Ayisha Lavender
Tour Product Development: Reasons And Methods Tour Operators Use To Incorporate Secondary Destinations In Tour Itineraries, Fanny Lawren
The SERVE Initiative: Creating a Rite of Passage for Veteran Reincorporation, Nkosi A. Leary
From the Inside Looking Out: The Role of Friendships in Shaping Officer Perceptions of Police Legitimacy, Logan S. Ledford
Black Male Early Career Educators in Secondary Science Classrooms: Rewriting Narratives of Successful Teaching, Desmond Lee
Towards Collective Healing: Intervening Intergenerational Trauma with Koreans/Koreans, Hyunji Hannah Lee
Denying the Hyphen: Issues of Identity Passing in Asian American Literature, I-Hsien Lee
School District Governance and Corpoduction: An Exploration of Parent and Nonprofit Coproduction in Schools, Courtney Leidner
Put a Ring on It? Examining the Factors Influencing Relationship Satisfaction Among Married and Cohabiting Couples in the U.S., Amanda Lima-Lugo
Towards Vision and Language Models Aided Object Navigation, Weizhen Liu
Essays on Public Policy, Air Quality, and Human Behavior, Wenwen Li
Towards Pruning and Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning of Deep Neural Networks, Yang Li
Essays on Environmental Economics, Zheng Li
Snatch Me Up: A Critical Feminist Discourse Analysis on Black Women’s Motivations for Undergoing Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery, Alexandria Locke
The Human and Mortal Agent Intellect of Aristotle’s De Anima, Dessire Lopez Jimenez
Responses To A Physical Therapy Patient Education Survey., Anne Kilpatrick Lorio
Twitter Sentiments and Stock Prices: An Event Study on the Role of Influencers, Denys Wincel Lu
Panpsychism and Cognitive Closure: An Epistemic Approach to The Mind-Body Problem, Jiacheng Lu
Dimensions of Modern Democracy: A Revised Spatial View of Vote Choice, Russell Luke
Detection of HIV-related Analytes Targeting Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Ying Luo
“A Blot Upon Darkness:” A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and the Failures of Reconstruction, Jessica Lyons
Understanding the Intersection of Social Vulnerability, Land Cover Changes, and Heat Exposure in Reno, Nevada, USA, Consolata W. Macharia
Survey of Retail-Setting Corrective Statements in Fulton County, Georgia, Christopher Malarcher
Exploring the Impact of Leadership styles on Work Force Dynamics in the Healthcare Industry, Derek Marbell
Participatory Community-Academic Research Partnerships for Health Equity, Michelle Marcus
BWT Codes: A Study of Activist Black Women Teachers and Their Wellness, Danie Marshall
Organizational Culture and Social Integration in Nursing Homes, Ebenezer Martey
Building Community in Online Elementary School, Pamela Martin
Violent Political Rhetoric in Congressional E-Newsletters, Miles Massey
Beyond Colonial Borders: Understanding Postcolonial Nationalism Through Precolonial State Formation Processes, Sundara Mudiyanselage Nimendra Kumari Mawalagedara
The Effects of a Gamified Flipped Classroom on First-Generation Low Income Student Motivation and Achievement in a Georgia High School Mathematics Class, Michael Maxwell
New Women of the New South City: Women’s Organizations in Atlanta during the Progressive Era, 1895-1930, Kailey McAlpin
Computational Methods to Support Situational Awareness in Disaster Preparedness and Response, Emma L. McDaniel
A Narrative Inquiry of International Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Classroom Experiences in the United States and their Influence on Student Learning, Monisola McGlone
Self-Directed Learning in Nonhuman Primates, Joseph McKeon
Examining the Role of the Imposter Phenomenon and Self-Esteem on the Relationship between Perfectionism and Depression, Sarah McLaulin
Authentic Leadership Between Control and Drift: An Investigation of African Americans Executives in Nonprofit Organizations, Ronald McNeill
Entrepreneurial Success: Exploring the Interplay of Personality Traits and Co-Founder Team Dynamics, Sudhir Mehta
Predicting Major vs. Minor Office Discipline Referrals Using a Behavior Screener, Marina Melendez
A Comprehensive Policy Analysis to Address the Public Health Dilemma of Systemic Ableism and Patient Distress Following Prenatal Screening for Disabilities, Stephanie Meredith
Transformational Leadership For Rural School Improvement, Charles Meyer
Engineering Peace from Civil War: The Prospects of Institutional Peacebuilding and Multidimensional Inclusion, Cynthia Michota
Exploring Psychometric Evidence of the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale with a Diverse Sample of U.S. Undergraduate Students, Kamal Middlebrook
“Was I in Dixie or Wasn’t I:” Queer Negativity and the U.S. South in the Comics of Howard Cruse, Matthew Mills
Who Told You That You Were Black?, Leonard Moody, Chip Moody, and Leonard Charles Moody III
Redefining Traditional Chemoreceptors: Functional and Mechanistic Insights into Non-Canonical Roles of Odorant Receptors in Thermosensory Nociception, Dustin E.A. Moon
Shaping Futures: The Influence of Mentoring on the Future Expectations of Youths Affected by Family Member Incarceration, Renita D. Moore
The Agency of Alienation: Catholics, African Americans, Jimmy Carter, and the Destruction of the New Deal Order, Steven A. Moore
Development of a Reverse Genetics System for Achimota Virus 2, a Newly Emerging Rubulavirus, Tahirah Moore
Imperial Modern: An Intellectual History of Béni Kállay’s Governing Strategy in Habsburg Bosnia, Matthew Blake Morley
Does Professional Development in a Mathematics Vocabulary Routine Require Performance Feedback? A Single Case Study Across Teachers’ Implementation, Megan H. Mowbray Dr
Sensitive Study of Cosmic Ray Flux Variation with Space Weather and Geomagnetic Disturbances, Arfa Mubashir
Environmental Variability and its Effects in the Southern Kenyan Rift Valley from ~400-211 kyr: Insight from Geochemistry and Mineralogy, Francis N. Muchemi
Designing Methods for Representation Learning of Molecular Sequences and its Application in Analysis Tasks, Taslim Murad