Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Intergroup Anxiety and Related Fear Constructs: Confirmatory Factor Analysis within Privileged and Marginalized Racial Groups, Kathleen Murphy
Imaging Genetic Prediction of Cognition and Symptoms in Both Small and Big Cohorts, Pranav Nadigapu Suresh
Future Projections of Pneumonia Mortality Across Ages: A Global Perspective, Dhanisha Nerurkar
Understanding Racialized COVID-19 Health Disparities: Interactions of Physical Environment, Social Structure, and Mental Health Consequences, Suresh Nath Neupane
The GreatSchools Rating Change, Huong Nguyen
Prevention and Cure of Murine C. difficile Infection by a Lachnospiraceae Strain, Juan Noriega Tejada
Efficient Algorithms for Large Scale Analysis of Viral Genome Sequencing Data, Daniel Novikov
The Relationship Between Physical Attractiveness and the Risk of Sexual Victimization: A Test of Competing Hypotheses, James M. O'Berry II
Examining the Prevalence and Experiences of Music Performance Anxiety in Young Adolescent Students, Kathryn O'Brien
Towards a Culturally Sensitive Psychiatry: Lessons from Thomas Adeoye Lambo, Alapa P. Odugbo
Synthesis and Evaluation of Cereblon-Recruiting HaloPROTACs, Britton Ody
Investing in Remote Patient Monitoring to Improve Chronic Heart Condition Outcomes, William Olivera Serrano
Motivators to use Primary Healthcare: The Transgender or Gender-diverse Individual's Experience, Jessica Ouzts
C(cubed)Sat: A Cosmic Climate Cuboid Nanosatellite for Monitoring Above-Earth Cosmic Activity, Victoria A. Padgett
Molecular Characterization of the Neisseria gonorrhoeae Zur Regulon in Response to Zinc Starvation, Sandhya Padmanabhan
The Transdiagnostic Value of RDoC Social Processes: A Neurobehavioral Lifespan Approach, Isabella Palumbo
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning: From Training Neural Networks to Fine-Tuning Large Language Models, Prajwal Panzade
Terror or Torment? Debating Terrorism in Entitled Rage: A comparative analysis of violent incels, mass school shooters, and right-wing extremist actors., Katerina Papatheodorou
Redlining and Asthma Burden: A Statistical Analysis of Historically Redlined Districts in Five Georgia Cities, Valentina Paralitici
Neuropathogenesis of Powassan Virus Infection in Mice, Heather Pathak
Implementation of A Mandated Technology in A Highly Distributed Organization: A Case Study, Teresa Janel M. Paulk
Humanizing STEM with Black and Latina Girls Through Care and Community, Laura Pena
Navigating New Frontiers: An Integrated Approach to Managing and Leading Remote and Hybrid Employees, Lorry Rome Perkins
Groundwork // Notes from the Field, Scarlett A. Peterson
Luminosity and the Phenomenal, Henry Phillips
An Analysis of Pottery from Western North Carolina Using pXRF, Mark Pifer
Determinants of Generative Artificial Intelligence Large Language Model Exploration Intent for Software Development, Nicole A. Pirone
It's Not Me, It's You, Amanda G. Platner
Buying Into the Dirty Joke: A Discourse Analysis on the Use of Editorial Cartoons About Older Adults and Sex, Taylor Pope
Reassessing Extant and Fossil Papionin Taxonomy Utilizing a Novel Non-Metric Analysis of Maxillary Molar Morphology, Amanda K. Pregibon*
Hydrologic Disturbances and Land Cover: A Study on Stream Metabolism Dynamics, Deandre Presswood
Arrested Mobility™: Policy Grounded Health Equity Solutions and Actions for Georgia, Tony Price
Using the 2023 NYTS data to examine e-cigarette use and perception of harm by race/ethnicity., Azizi Kayser Pyron
Outsourcing Auxiliary Services in Higher Education: An Integrated Risk Management Model, Alfonso Quinones
Are You Ready? College Readiness Experience Of Racially Minoritized Students From Title I High Schools, Lidia Quinones
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in the NLP Domain: Designing Efficient Adversarial Attacks and Generating Robust Text Representations, Javad Rafiei Asl
Vaccination Approaches to Enhance Cross-Protection against Influenza by Inducing Immunity to Neuraminidase and M2e, Jannatul Raha
Characterization of Autoreactive CD4+ T cell Hybridomas, Jumoke Ayodele Raji-Ayoola
The Place-Based Impacts of Social Determinants of Health: An Examination of Social and Structural Influences, Nikita Rao
The Effect of Entrepreneurship on Human Trafficking, Recha R. Reid
Into the Inside-Out: A Look from the Inside of the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program, Maria P. Reyes
Community Science and Water-Based Advocacy Groups in Metro Atlanta, Zakia Riaz
Trajectories of Well-being in Children with Gastrointestinal Conditions and Their Parents during the First Three Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Abigail Robbertz
Scoping Review of COVID-19 Infection and the Post Diagnosis of Anxiety, Zenobia E. Roberts-Harley
Practical Contemplation and Happiness in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Jack Romp
Chronic Care: Illness Narratives of Parents Caring for Teens with POTS, Tami Ross
Novel Short-term Predictions of Solar Energetic Particle Events Using Machine Learning Time Series Classifiers, Sumanth Rotti
Forgotten Voices: Experiences of Five Female Public School Teachers in the Rural South, Abigail S. Ruth
Computational Downstream Analysis of High-Throughput RNA-Sequencing Data, Bikram Sahoo
Hypergraph Learning: From Algorithms to Applications, Khaled Mohammed Saifuddin
Finding a common language: Invariance in school climate measures, Michael J. Saint
A Comprehensive Review: Cell Death Pathways And Their Role In Viral Infections, Hala Salama
Unreal Archaeology: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Studying and Communicating Archaeological Data, Taylor A. Salinas
COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy Among Women with a Live Birth: Findings from The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 25 US Jurisdictions, 2021., Beatriz Salvesen von Essen
A Case Study of Micromobility Regulation in Atlanta Through the Lens of Black's Behavior of Law, Matheson Sanchez
What’s Wrong with Suicide?: Our Passional Natures and the Question of Rationality, Christian A. Sandoval
Estimation of Additive Cure Model with Applications, Modou Lamin Sanyang
Tracing Food Accessibility and Consumer Behavior in Atlanta using Mobility Data, Shah Md Shahnewaz Sayem
Shaping a Nation and Transforming Identity: Ovidian Mythic Allusions in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and John Milton’s “Lycidas”, Gabriella Schuett
Circuit, Cell, and Molecular Mechanisms for Context Processing in the Mouse Visual Cortex, Georgia Schweigert Bastos
A Genealogy of Consent: A Discourse Analysis of High-Profile Cases Before and After #MeToo, Katherine Schweigert
Care Pathway of People with Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) Living in States that have Expanded Medicaid under ACA Vesus Those Living in States that have not., Catherine Scipion
"There Will Be Funerals on Both Sides": A Critical Examination of George Jackson's Blood in My Eye, Damion Scott
Manufacturing Ignorance: Agnotology, Epistemology, and Education Policy, Erin C. Scussel
Expanding Our Understanding of Help-Seeking Behavior: Implications for Older Adults at Elevated Risk of Suicide, Afroze N. Shaikh
Time of Day Variation in Mechanisms Underlying Social Stress, Emma Shaughnessy
The Effectiveness and Safety of Maternal Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccines: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Mahmud Sheku
Development of Point-Of-Care Assay to Monitor Intestinal Bowel Disease Biomarkers, Xiaolin Sheng
Massive Stars in Rapidly Evolving Systems, Katherine Shepard
Examining The Effect of Social Norms on Bystander Behavior Across Men With and Without Sexual Perpetration Histories, Kristin Shepard
Merging Black Feminist Ecologies and Psychology: Black Women Resisting the Psychological Costs of Environmental Racism, shola shodiya-zeumault
Decorum, Corran Shrimpton
The Perception of ABG Interpretation among Nursing And Respiratory Therapy Students at an Urban University, Hams Shrourou
Capuchin (Cebus [Sapajus] apella] Monkeys Change Their Choices Due to Social Context in an Iterated Prisoners Dilemma, Sierra Simmons
The Highway Between, Bronwyn M. Simons
Neurobiomechanical Mechanisms of Ballet Preventing Falls in Older Adults, Caroline Simpkins
Location, Moving Images, and Industrialization: Goodyear's Documentary, Conquering the Jungle, and Changing Landscape of a Plantation Site, Harifa Siregar
Describing at risk populations and emerging trends in opioid and stimulant co-occurrence in drug use, nonfatal overdoses, and fatal overdoses in the United States, Herschel W. Smith IV
lovehanger, Jillian Smith
Let Our Voices Be Heard: A Youth Participatory Action Research Project Incorporating Black History and Culture into Informal Science Curricula, Torressa N. Smith
Examining the Impacts of Education Requirements on Police Agencies' Diversity and Measuring Community-Police Reflectivity, David T. Snively
Relationship between College Graduate Job Placement and Faculty-Led, Team-based, Undergraduate Research Experiences: A Propensity Score Analysis, Julia Sonnenberg-Klein
Langaj Pale, Langaj Konprann: The Role of Langaj in Haitian Ritual Life, Alexandra St Tellien
The Effect of State Repression on Rebel and Insurgent Use of Violence, Sarosh Sultan
FOCUS: Soil Health Monitoring using Robotics and Automation, Razat Sutradhar
Sociocultural Considerations in Mental Health Treatment of LGBTQ+ Patients, Rayna Swafford
Nicotine, Tobacco, Marijuana Use Typologies among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth and Young Adults in the United States, Michael Brandon Talley
Advanced Approaches in Cancer Therapy, Sijia Tang