Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Manipulation and Hard Compatibilism, Daniel Justin Coates
"My Loss is Your Gain": Examining the Role of Message Frame, Perceived Risk, and Ambivalence in the Decision to Become an Organ Donor., Elizabeth Leigh Cohen
Pickles and Pickets after NAFTA: Globalization, Agribusiness, the US-Mexico Food-Chain, and Farm-Worker Struggles in North Carolina., Francesca Coin
An Extension of Ramsey's Theorem to Multipartite Graphs, Brian Michael Cook
Tangerines in a Tomato Patch, Michael Cooper
Snakes and Funerals: Aesthetics and American Widescreen Films, John Harper Cossar
Comparison of Three Methods of Placement and Advisement into Freshmen Mathematics Courses and the Effect on Eventual Degree Completion, John Walter Cotter
Trauma Exposure and Behavioral Outcomes in Sheltered Homeless Children: The Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support, Beryl Ann Cowan
African American Eighth-Grade Female Students' Perceptions and Experiences as Learners of Science Literacy, Sharan Renee' Crim
Civil Religion and Pastoral Power in the George W. Bush Presidency, Kristina E. Curry
Neuropeptide Y-Mediated Control of Appetitive and Consummatory Ingestive Behaviors in Siberian Hamsters (Phodopus sungorus), Megan J. Dailey
Analyzing Limitations in Exposure Estimates Based on Self-Reported Dietary Intake of Caffeinated Beverages in the Baltimore-Washington Infant Study, 1981-1989, Johnni Hutcherson Daniel
Peer-to-Peer Distributed SyD Directory Synchronization in a Proximity-based Environment, Sunetri Priyanka Dasari
Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals for the Sensitivity of a Continuous-Scale Diagnostic Test, Angela Elaine Davis
Protein Binding Sites and Cis-acting Sequences on the West Nile Virus 3' (+) SL RNA, William G. Davis
Becoming the New Man in Post-PostModernist Fiction: Portrayals of Masculinities in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest and Chuck Palahnuik's Fight Club, Andrew Steven Delfino
Spectrally Arbitrary and Inertially Arbitrary Sign Pattern Matrices, Nilay Sezin Demir
Identifying Calcium-Binding Sites and Predicting Disulfide Connectivity, Hai Deng
Dust within the Central Regions of Seyfert Galaxies, Rajesh Deo
Soil-Transmitted Helminths in Schoolchildren in Grand Bois Haiti: A Prevalence Study, John M. De Pasquale
A Distributed Approach to Crawl Domain Specific Hidden Web, Lovekeshkumar Desai
A Physical Estimation based Continuous Monitoring Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, Wiwek Deshmukh
Varieties of Fundamentalism, Rebecca M. De Sousa
"A Tough Little Patch of History": Atlanta's Marketplace for Gone with the Wind Memory, Jennifer Word Dickey
Increasing Coping Resources: An Experimental Intervention Approach, Wendy Lynn Dickinson
Forecasting the Chinese Futures Markets Prices of Soy Bean and Green Bean Commodities, Kouadio Kouman Dongo
Studies Directed to the Optimization of Fermentation of Rhodococcus sp. DAP 96253 and Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96622, Gene K. Drago
Prediction of Oxidation States of Cysteines and Disulphide Connectivity, Aiguo Du
Intrinsic Absorption with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, Jay Patrick Dunn
On the Viability of a Pluralistic Bioethics, Christopher Durante
The Spectacle of the Sotah: A Rabbinic Perspective on Justice and Punishment, Andrew Durdin
The Effect of Urinary Cadmium on Cardiovascular Fitness as Measured by VO2 Max in White, Black and Mexican Americans, Heartley Egwuogu
The Changing Role of Soft Money on Campaign Finance Reform.The Birth of the 527 and its Consequences., Valerie Rose El`Ghaouti
U.S. Newspaper Representation of Muslim and Arab Women Post 9/11., Nahed Mohamed Atef Eltantawy
Analysis of the Cellular Proteins, TIA-1 and TIAR, and their Interaction with the West Nile Virus (WNV) 3' SL Minus-Strand RNA, Mohamed Maged Emara
Essays on Tax Evasion and Government Spending in Developing Countries, Abel Berhe Embaye
Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination in Manouria Emys Emys, The Asian Forest Tortoise, Sherri Ann Emer
Public School Responses to Charter School Presence, Nevbahar Ertas
"A Little Labour of Love": The Extraordinary Career of Dorothy Ripley, Female Evangelist in Early America, Elisa Ann Everson
The Influence of Organizational Culture on the Implementation of Succession Planning, Lori Powers Fancher
Trajectories of Pure and Co-Occurring Internalizing and Externalizing Problems from Age 2 to Age 12: Findings from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care, Kostas Andrea Fanti
Complex Trauma Exposure and Psychological Outcomes in Incarcerated Juvenile Offenders, Samuel Joseph Fasulo
MINIMO: A Search for Mini Proper Motion Stars in the Southern Sky, Charlie Thomas Finch
Effects of Stigma, Sense of Community, and Self-Esteem on the HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors of African American and Latino Men Who Have Sex with Men, Teresa Jacobs Finlayson
Characterization of SecA N-Terminus for Membrane Binding and Activity, Jeanetta Holley Floyd
Teaching and Learning: Novie Teachers' Descriptions of their Confidence to Teach Science Content, Barbara Ann Ford
First-Year Experience Collaboration among Academic Affairs and Student Affairs at Public State University, Kimberly Grimes Frazier
Personality, Lifestyle, and Transformational Leadership from a Humanistic Perspective, Michele R. Frey
Structure Pattern Analysis Using Term Rewriting and Clustering Algorithm, Xuezheng Fu
Enhanced Stabilization of Nitrile Hydratase Enzyme From Rhodococcus Sp. DAP 96253 and Rhodococcus, Sangeeta Ganguly
Using Speech Recognition Software to Increase Writing Fluency for Individuals with Physical Disabilities, Jennifer Tumlin Garrett
Demographic Factors Associated with Condom Use in 18-24 Year Olds For Two States, 1998 and 2000/2001, Kimberly R. Glenn
The "Root of Civil Conversion": Redefining Courtesy in Book VI of the Faerie Queene, Michelle Golden
Physical Teen Dating Violence and Risk Behaviors among Black and Latino Teens, Belsie R. Gonzalez
The Square Root Function of a Matrix, Crystal Monterz Gordon
Analyzing the Role of the State in the Promotion of the Information Revolution, Sherry Lynn Gould
IMF Conditionality and Armed Civil Conflict: An Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa, Claire D. Gowen
Coloring: An Investigation of Racial Identity Politics within the Black Indian Community, Charlene Jeanette Graham
Multiple Sclerosis Disease Distribution and Potential Impact of Environmental Air Pollutants in Georgia, Anthony Charles Gregory
Hot Stars with Disks, Erika Dawn Grundstrom
The Etiology of Multiple Sclerosis and Correlation of the Distribution of the Disease with Migration and Settlement History of Northern Europeans, Kristin M. Gunderson
Contextualist Responses to Skepticism, Luanne Gutherie
Implant of a Selective Estrogen Receptor Alpha Agonist to the Male Rat Medial Preoptic Area Maintains Mating Behavior, Biniyam Seged Habteab
A New Approach to an Old Story: How Generation Y Views and Disseminates Echoes of Vietnam Films as seen in Videos Created by Troops in Iraq, Lindsey Ann Hagan
Development of Cosmic Ray Simulation Program -- Earth Cosmic Ray Shower (ECRS), Sampath S. Hakmana Witharana
Communicating a Crisis: The Public Information Officer's Perspective, Susan Hale
Analyzing the Behavior of Rats by Repeated Measurements, Kenita A. Hall
Communication Strategies as a Basis for Crisis Management Including Use of the Internet as a Delivery Platform, Gordon Alan Harrison
Captive Women, Cunning Texts: Confederate Daughters and the "Trick-Tongue" of Captivity, Rebecca L. Harrison
Levelling Up: Designing and Testing a Contextual, Web-based Dreamweaver 8 Tutorial for Students with Technological Aptitude Differences, Alicia Nicole Hatter
My Experiences Incorporating Constructivist Teaching Strategies within an Art Education Classroom, John Marlon Heard
Implications in Using Monte Carlo Simulation in Predicting Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Overweight Children and Adolescents, Stephen Matthew Heimbigner
The Impact of Education Decentralization on Education Output: A Cross-Country Study, Eunice Heredia-Ortiz
Metaphoric Interpretations of a Social Issue, Kristina Lee Hobby
Distinction without Separation: Challenging Contemporary Yoga-Christian Praxis Dialogue Through a Comparison of Striving and Personal Transformation in the Yoga-S?tra and the Life of Moses, Scott William Hodgman
Memory for "What", "Where", and "When" Information by Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca Mulatta) and Adult Humans, Megan L. Hoffman
Functional Roles of Crustacean Dual Antennular Chemosensory Pathways in Odor Mediated Behaviors, Amy Jean Horner
Perspectives on Perspectivism: Nietzsche and His Commentators, Jennifer L. Hudgens
Design of Comprehensible Learning Machine Systems for Protein Structure Prediction, Hae-Jin Hu
Peace and Mind: Religion, Race, and Gender among Progressive Intellectuals and Activists, David Humphries
Prevention of Adolescent Interpersonal Violence Victimization: The Role of Sports Participation, Kareema A. Hunter
Comparing the Serum Levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Compounds between the Residents of Calcasieu Parish and Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, Donald Hurtz, III
The Evolution of Electronic Surveillance: Balancing National Security and Civil Liberties, Phillip Ryan Hussey
Emotional Awareness and Psychophysiological Markers of Performance on the Iowa Gambling Task, Cory Inman
College Students' Prejudiced Attitudes toward Homosexuals: A Comparative Analysis in Japan and the United States, Daisuke Ito
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Policy in the U.S., Jennifer C. Jarrell
Evolutionary Granular Kernel Machines, Bo Jin
Inference for Cox's Regression Model via a New Version of Empirical Likelihood, Ali Jinnah
Investigating Potential Risk Factors for Nursing Home Admission Associated with Individuals Enrolled in Georgia’s Community Care Services Program, Matthew L. Johnson
I Wish I were a Tiger... Domestic Violence Research with Children Who Have Witnessed Domestic Violence, Margaret Pearman Jones
"Just Say No": A Process Evaluation of a Johns' School, Amanda May Jungels
The Effect of Dramatic Play on Children's Graphic Representation of Emotion, Lynda Anne Kapsch
Escalation of Commitment in Information Technology Projects: A Goal Setting Theory Perspective, Vijay Kasi
Zr(IV)-Assisted Peptide Hydrolysis, Miki Kassai
The Ties that Bind: A Comparative Study of the Domination, Oppression, and Resistance of the African-American and the Oromo of Ethiopia, Darrell W.B. Kefentse
Analysis of Pricing and Reserving Risks with Applications in Risk-Based Capital Regulation for Property/Casualty Insurance Companies, Chayanin Kerdpholngarm
HIV Infection, Negative Life Events, and Intimate Relationship Power: The Moderating Role of Community Resources for Black South African Women, Bethany Ketchen