Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Examining the Moderating Role of Attachment in the Link between Discrimination and Psychological Distress, Laura Cobourne
From Re-Carceration to De-Carceration: An Analysis of Alternative Measures to Recidivism, Lucas M. Cortelloni
A Temporal Analysis of Acute Cadmium Exposure in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Margaret Creech
Mesolimbic Dopamine Coding of Social Salience and Valence, Erica Cross
Major and Trace Element Analysis of Irazú Volcano’s Upper Holocene Magmatic Evolution, Costa Rica, Forrest Dabbs
“Being a Mother Don’t Come with No Directions”: How Formerly Incarcerated Black Mothers Parented Behind Bars, Asantewaa Darkwa
Reel Reflections of (Anti-)Colonial Modernity: Imaginal Cinema, Cinema of Dissimulation, and Iranian Action-image in Crisis, Navid Darvishzadeh
Politics from the Pulpit: A Content Analysis of High-Profile Religious Elite in American Politics, Clara Monique Deal Barlow
Perceptions of Mathematics Success of Undergraduate Women Pursuing STEM Degrees Whose First Language is Not English, Tonya DeGeorge
Child Support Enforcement, Incarceration, and the Labor Market Outcomes of Noncustodial Fathers, Sommer R. Delgado
Civic Capture: How Criminal Organizations Exploit Commercial Ecosystems to Subvert Democracy, Clark Demasi
Effects of Constitutive CX3CR1-BAC-Cre Expression on Microglia and Adult Mouse Behavior, Bhoomi Desai
Essays on Environmental and Labor Economics, Jiaojing Ding
The Navigation of Despair in Seventeenth-Century England, Samuel P. Dominy
Mind Over Matter: Is Entering STEM Dependent on Self-Perceptions? A Pedagogical Review, Arin Dorsey
Protective Effects of 3-Hydroxyanthranilic Acid Against Ferroptosis in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, Aminat Olamide Dosunmu
Supporting School Leaders: A Case Study to Explore Leadership Development Through the Lens of Adult Learning Theory, Jenny Douglas
One in Two: Lived Experiences of HIV Seroconversions among Black Sexual Minority Men in the HIV Workforce, Daniel Driffin
Articulating the Teacher: Gottlieb, Dreyfus, and Heidegger on Language, Kenneth Driggers
The Structural Connectome and Cognition in Early to Late Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease, Holly Dustin
Abject Creatures, Katherine Easley
Exploring the Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Turnover Intention: A Study of Plant Operations, Christopher Bernard Edwards
The Role of Distributed Trust in the Design and Diffusion of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): An Institutional Trust Perspective, Prince Egyir Biney
How And Why Trans People Have Become The Target Of The Rightwing Conservative Movement, Ian Ellison
The Early-Holocene East African Monsoon Precipitation: Insights from a High-Resolution δ18O Time Series, Mark Ajilit Elungat
The Geometry of Spatial Decomposition: Evaluating Partitioning Schemes in Physical Chemical Systems, John M. Ericson
From Lover to Silence: A Freudian Reading of Maternal Substitution in Monna Innominata, Lydia Ezell
Exploring Intra-Annual Variations of Urban Effects on Precipitation in the Atlanta, GA, USA Region, Olamiposi Fagunloye
Understanding the Role of Mindfulness for Physical Activity Among Black/African American Women with Arthritis, Elizabeth Fallon
Modelling Three Dimensional Morphology of Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Akinwale Famotire
Detection of Brain Communities in the General Children Population, Britny Farahdel
Essays in Health Economics, Sherajum Farin
Mathematical modeling and simulation of tissue engineering: A comprehensive study of nutrient flow, nutrient dynamics and scaffold elasticity, Haniyeh Fattahpour
Mathematical modeling and simulation of tissue engineering: A comprehensive study of nutrient flow, nutrient dynamics and scaffold elasticity, Haniyeh Fattahpour
The Perception of Asthma Management Among Healthcare Student Programs at an Urban University, Yazeed Felemban
Evaluating the Effectiveness and Impact of This is a TEST, Lauren Finklea
Destinations: A Novel, Dylan Fisher
Moral Injury And Its Connection To Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction, And Burnout, Catherine Floyd
Martine Means Well, Jada Ford
Dialogue with TikTok – Examining Dimensions of Autistic Evangelical Deconstruction and Autistic Identity as Implicit Religion, Ashley Alderman Forgey
Black School Psychologists’ Experiences Addressing Racial Disciplinary Disproportionality, Artesia Franklin
Sites of Contested Histories: Mobilizing the Past in the British and Dominion Press during the First World War, Ryan Franklin
Three Dinners in Richmond, Leah Franqui
Blessed Assurance: A Phenomenology Exploring The Lived Experiences of Black Women Superintendents Leading With Conviction, Tanisha Frazier
The Development of Culturally-Appropriate Educational Materials to Facilitate Comprehension and Adherence to Occupational Therapy Interventions, Tyler Friefeld
Essays on Higher Education Finance and Performance, Kyela Gadi
Distributed System for MeshNet, Pratyush Reddy Gaggenapalli
Building the Right Application Effectively & Efficiently with Low-Code, Hongyu Gao
The Effects of Instructive Feedback on the Acquisition of Comparative Relations, Ashley Gibbs
Optical Nonlinearities in Graphene Quantum Dots: High Harmonic Generation, Suresh Gnawali
The Off-Cuts: Expended Cinema, Alper Gobel
"From the cradle up we have been fed on battles and heroic deeds": The Militarization of Adolescent Boys in England, 1897-1916, Cameron Blake Godfrey
Digital Divides and Dialogues: A Multidimensional Analysis of Populist Rhetoric, Social Media Interaction, and Polarization in Latin America, Juan Gomez Cruces
Essays on Environmental Economics, John Alexander Gomez Mahecha
Synthesis of Novel Tryptophan Drug Candidates for Thera(g)nositcs for the Human Calcium Receptor, Matthew Goodman
Small Hands With Big Consequences: Strategic Masculinity In American Politics, Lauren Goss
Walking Exercise Habits and their Relationship with Cognitive Function and Mood in Older Adults: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach, Andrew Gradone
Refugees in Transit: Refugee Women’s Perspectives on Space, Transportation, and Mobility During Resettlement in Atlanta, Leanna Greenwood
The Social Lives of Oil Extraction in Qatar, 1949-1970. Spaces of Labor and Citizenship, Javier Guirado Alonso
An Exploration of Eating Disorders among Black Women using Intersectionality Theory, Rebecca Gwira
Exploration of Secondary Science Teacher Candidates’ Ideological Shifts in an Initial Teacher Preparation Program, Claudia E. Hagan
The influence of founder age in early-stage new venture funding: A configuration perspective, Michael A. Hakimian
Identifying And Assessing The Barriers To Maternal Oral Health Utilization, Tenecia Hall
Tailored Neural Networks for Personalized Recommendation Systems, Jinkun Han
American Millennial and Between Drowning and Drought, Emily Lake Hansen
Useful Untruth: The Utility of Deceptive Rhetoric in Apps, Websites, and Games, Brandon Hardy
Exploring the Interplay of Procedural Justice Perceptions, Criminal Resistance, and Gun Carrying Behaviors in Predicting Violent Juvenile Offending, Megan Ariel Hartman
Learning Targets in an Early Elementary Classroom: an Agential Realist Examination, Courtney Hartnett
SMYD2 Modulates Lipid Peroxidation in C3H/10T1/2 Cells Through GPX4, Jada Harvey
Thee Black Female Rap Renaissance: An Intertextual Analysis Of Black Female Rap Lyrics As A Functional Feminism, Candace Hasan
Framing Central Bank Digital Currency: Design and Diffusion for Cross-Border Payments, Andrew C. Haskell
Not Throwing Away My Shot: Civic Education in the 2020 Pandemic, A. Joy Hatcher
More Than Words: An In-Depth Examination of Materiality in MS Junius 11 and Manuscript Digitization, Allie M. Hayes
Examining Learner’s Evaluative Judgment Supported by Technology-Enabled Feedback Information, Ali Heidari
The Public and the Private Good: Plato on the Happiness of the Citizens in the Republic, Lucas Heimgartner
Believing the Unbelievable: Exploring the Relationship Between Extremist Beliefs and Epistemically Unwarranted Beliefs, Rachel Heiter
The Intersection of Aging, Health, & Correctional Systems: An Exploration of Experiences, Approaches, & Policies Using a Person-centered Framework, Victoria Helmly
Strategies that center equity and support well-being within all-women academic virtual research teams, Sarah M. Hepler
Public Health Practitioners’ Adoption of Artificial Intelligence: The Role of Health Equity Perceptions and Technology Readiness, Angela Hernandez
Social Domination and the Class Structure: Extending Left-Republicanism, Michael A. Hettinger II
The Relaxation and Re-Implementation of Vietnam's Two-Child Policy, Tien Hoang
An Evidence-Based Investigation on The Offending Behaviors of Website Defacers, Cameron J. Hoffman
Examining and comparing smoking cessation outcomes among U.S. adults who have regularly used Vuse Alto or Juul: A longitudinal study., Jeffrey Holland Jr
Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Materials, Sayed Jaber Hossaini
Validation of the Garmin Forerunner 265 to Estimate VO2MAX and Predict Half-marathon Race Performance, Jonathan Howard
Essays on Sector Switching, Tingzhong Huang
Rapid Identification of Antibiotic Resistance in Staphylococcus Using FTIR and Machine Learning, Wilbur Hudson
The New College of the Arts: Forming a Collaborative Community at the College of the Arts at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA, Peter Huesemann-Odom
On American Fascism: The Fascist Rhetoric of Donald Trump and The Right Wing-Media, Aaron S. Huff
Personalist Authoritarian Survival, Mohammad Hamza Iftikhar
The Assignment as Strategic Communication and Heuristic for Operationalizing Multimodal Composing, Colleen Ijuin
SMYD2 Promotes Atherosclerotic Plaque Calcification by Regulating SUMOylation in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, Nadia M. Ilse
Exploring Calcium Sensing Mechanisms via the Calcium Sensing Receptor, Oluwadamilola Rosemary Ilupeju
Inference and Interpretation: Problems for Narrative as Testimony, Victoria Isett